Page 205 - Sotheby's Chinese Art and Porcelain Auction New York September 12, 2018
P. 205
PROPERTY FROM A SWISS PRIVATE This charismatic work depicts the legendary Compare a circa 15th century Padmasambhava
COLLECTION Indian pandita Padmasambhava. Known as formerly in the Blanche C. Olschak Collection,
A GILT-BRONZE FIGURE OF Guru Rinpoche to Tibetans, and by many see U. von Schroeder, Indo-Tibetan Bronzes,
PADMASAMBHAVA other names which reß ect his multiple forms, Hong Kong, 1981, p. 449, pl. 122C, and compare
Padmasambhava is credited with establishing the pedestal design with circa 15th century
TIBET, 15TH CENTURY Buddhism in Tibet. In the 8th century, the gilt-copper statues portraying Shadakshari
Indian abbot Shantarakshita and the Tibetan Lokeshvara and a lama, ibid., p. 449, pls. 122G-
seated in dhyanasana holding a vajra in the chögyal or dharma king Trisong Detsen invited H.
proper raised right hand, a kapala in the left the tantrika Padmasambhava to make the
hand, wearing the peaked Indian cap of a arduous journey to Tibet. Compare as well another circa 15th century
pandita surmounted by feathers and adorned gilt-copper Padmasambhava in the Victoria and
with a sun and moon, above the furrowed brow Along the way, he encountered and subdued Albert Museum, London, collected in Shigatse
and the wide, almond-shaped eyes, the ears the many local spirits, gods and goddesses and in 1914, that is similarly cast separately to its
adorned with disc-form foliate earrings, wearing bound them by oath as sworn protectors and lotus base, Victoria and Albert Museum acc. no.
richly embroidered inner and outer patchwork protectresses of Buddhism in Tibet. Upon his IM.240-1922.
robes and pointed Tibetan-style boots arrival in Ü province, Padmasambhava subdued Himalayan Art Resources item no. 13394.
Height 11 in., 27.9 cm the local spirits hindering the construction of
Tibet’s Þ rst monastery, Samye. 大啷ġ⋩Ḽᶾ䲨ġġġ戭挷慹咖厗䓇⣏
Collection of the late Dr. Eugen W. Duetschler,
Swiss Consul in Karachi from 1949. Ը๕
Gifted to the consignor, Switzerland, 1970s. EugenġWįġDuetschlerġ㓞啷炻䐆⢓楸┨㉱噑
$ 60,000-80,000