Page 79 - The Pioneers, November 26, 2016 Hong Kong
P. 79
Kim furthered his experimentation of Korean motifs Fig. 2 Paul Klee, Fermata, 1932-1933, Philadelphia Museum of Art, Philadelphia, USA
during his study in Paris from 1956 to 1959. His 圖2 保羅・克利《Fermata》1932-1933年作 美國 費城 費城美術博物館
affection for indigenous motifs grew even stronger after
arriving in Paris. During this period, Kim continued to vestiges of concrete figuration that Kim had held on to
explore in depth various classical Korean motifs and until this point. Despite its simplicity, the composition
landscapes, eventually schematizing them with simplified has a distinct luminosity and rhythm. One can imagine
outlines and vibrant colour fields. In the realm of diaspora entering a meditative state while standing in front of the
where subjectivity and the experience of being the cultural work—being submerged in the bottomless expanses of
"other" underlies many interactions, Kim devoted himself blue, contained on each end by a grey line and orderly
to the very difficult question of how to accommodate or row of multicolored island-like dots bobbing in an
embrace mainstream culture, while still adhering to his endless sea, bringing regulation to an otherwise vast
own subjectivity. In this lifelong journey of artistic and and incomprehensible abyss. The delicate balance and
personal development, Kim consistently set his identity modulation of color and shape calls to mind the seminal
in Korean traditional culture and natural landscapes. work of painter and Zen Buddhist monk, Muqi (Muqi
Fachang, circa 1210-1269), Six Persimmons. (Fig. 3)
After Kim arrived in New York in 1963, his brushwork
swiftly evolved from the textured and well-worked The process of 4-X-69 #121’s creation must have been
surfaces of his earlier canvases to flat, smooth, ink-like therapeutic for Kim, the perfect antidote to crowded
expanses of color. Kim’s letters to his family and his city life and a refuge from his crammed New York
journal entries from these early days in New York describe studio, barely 100 square feet in size. While the artist’s
the artist’s sense of being overwhelmed by everything move to New York was largely motivated by his self-
from Manhattan’s sky scrapers, which blocked out the consciousness about his own insularity, it is hard to
light of the sun, to the voluminous Sunday edition of imagine that Kim’s deep-rooted longing for Seoul did
the New York Times. It is no wonder that Kim felt the not permeate these compositions which epitomize
need to bring what order and simplicity he could to his abstraction within his oeuvre. In 1970 Kim writes,
painting. In his journal on December 12, 1963 Kim wrote:
“Do the lines I draw go beyond the limit of the sky?
"I can’t work very well today because it’s overcast. Do the dots shine as brightly as the stars? When
It was snowing, but now it’s raining, which makes I close my eyes I see the rivers and mountains of
me feel terribly homesick for Korea. I can’t seem to my country more clearly than the rainbows.”
separate my art from Seoul. I don’t like a single work
I’ve done so far. I like the work I’ll be painting from now Despite traveling to the other side of the world to
on. Simple composition, the subtle color of blue-only shed the restrictions of concrete figuration, perhaps
I can create my world. It’s getting darker outside" Kim Whanki never truly released his grasp on the
landscapes of his youth, continuing to draw inspiration
4-X-69 #121 (Lot 2509) represents a mature work from emblems of his homeland’s cultural history
from Kim Whanki’s New York Period. Composed of and forging a new path forward for Korean modern
a pristine turquoise field flanked by cerulean banks, art with these tokens of his heritage in hand.
the painting presents a complete departure from last
Kim Whan-Ki, New York Studio, 1968
© Whanki Foundation·Whanki Museum
19 6 8 年,金 煥 基 於 紐 約 的 畫 室
1 Kim Hyang-an, "Seoul Period: 1940-56, 1959-1963," Man is Gone But Art Remains, Dosuh Publishing, 1989, p. 30