Page 34 - Christies Alsdorf Collection Part 1 Sept 24 2020 NYC
P. 34
崇聖御寶 - 詹姆斯及瑪麗蓮 ·阿爾斯多夫珍藏
The depiction of Buddha Shakyamuni seated on an openwork lion throne, the right 此尊釋迦牟尼造像神聖莊嚴,其坐姿、手印,乃至台座形
hand in abhayamudra or the gesture of fearlessness and the left hand gripping the edge 象,皆符合喀什米爾七至九世紀 之藝術風格。早期佛像面相
of the sanghati or robe, was an iconic trope between the seventh and ninth centuries in 傾向圓潤飽滿,坐墊無紋,著右袒式袈裟,諸如本像。及至
Kashmir. In earlier depictions, such as in the current work, the facial features are wide 九世紀,佛像面型趨向修長,輪廓愈見分明,螺髮縝密,衣
and rounded; the Buddha is seated upon an unadorned cushion; and the sanghati is 褶華麗,以蓮台連方座取代獅子須彌座。
triple-pleated at the chest and shoulder. By the ninth century, the facial features become
crisp and elongated; the snailshell curls tight and stylized; the sanghati elaborately 獅子須彌座可追溯至公元前二世紀,出現於犍陀羅及秣菟羅
pleated; the unadorned cushion replaced with downwards-facing lotus petals; and the 古國的貴霜王朝雕像。然而本像所呈現之布局,即夜叉置
lion throne replaced with a stepped rectangular base. 中,左右各設一獅,則僅見於喀什米爾造像,以及受其影響
While the lion throne motif is visible as early as the second century BCE in Kushan
sculpture from the ancient region of Gandhara and Mathura, the placement of a seated 同類例子可參考一組三尊喀什米爾銅佛立像,七至八世紀
yaksha between the lions is only found in the Kashmiri context and adjacent regions
influenced by Kashmiri sculpture from this medieval period.
Compare the current work with the nearly identical iconography of the figure of 面與本像對照,阿根廷Jose Pereyra Kafer珍藏,紐約佳士得售
Buddha Shakyamuni that centers a contemporaneous bronze Buddhist triad from 出,2014年3月19日,拍品編號1040。
Kashmir, previously sold at Christie’s New York, 25 March 2004, lot 32. Also compare
泛亞收藏(Pan-Asian Collection)有一近似例,佛陀手印與
the iconography of this Buddha, the raised pearls on the upper border of the throne
base, and the lion and yaksha throne with another seventh century Kashmiri bronze 台座細節皆與本像極爲相近,詳見P. Pal著《Bronzes of
figure of Buddha Shakyamuni from the collection of José Pereyra Käfer, Argentina, Kashmir》,1975年,頁94—95,編號23。
sold at Christie’s New York, 19 March 2014, lot 1040.
The central figure of Shakyamuni is also closely related to a figure of Buddha
Muchalinda, formerly in the Pan-Asian Collection and illustrated in P. Pal, Bronzes of
Kashmir, 1975, cat. no. 23, pp. 94-95—most notably in the similarity in the mudras and
hand position, and the details of the lion and yaksha throne.
An extent lug at verso indicates that a separately cast nimbus or aureole would have
fitted in the original group.