Page 36 - Christies Alsdorf Collection Part 1 Sept 24 2020 NYC
P. 36

崇聖御寶  - 詹姆斯及瑪麗蓮 ·阿爾斯多夫珍藏


            A RARE SILVER-INLAID BRONZE FIGURE                                 印度北部    喜馬偕爾邦或喀什米爾   十至十一世紀
            OF BUDDHA SHAKYAMUNI                                               銅嵌銀釋迦牟尼坐像
            NORTH INDIA, HIMACHAL PRADESH OR KASHMIR, 10TH-11TH CENTURY        佛陀結跏趺坐,施說法印,乘束腰蓮台,下設方形須彌座。
            Seated in dhyanasana on a lotus base atop a rectangular plinth, with the hands held before   身穿右袒式袈裟,繒帶從肘後飄拂,雙眼嵌銀,目光鋭利,
            the chest in dharmachakramudra, dressed in a diaphanous sanghati with rippling hems and   螺髮細密,肉髻高聳,背光簡約,莊嚴典雅。
            with flared ribbons extending from each elbow, the face with piercing gaze emphasized by
            the wide, silver-inlaid eyes, all below the tightly curled hair extending over the ushnisha,
                                                                               Kapoor Galleries,紐約,1982年6月5日。
            all backed by a conjoined nimbus and aureole
            7º in. (18.4 cm.) high
            $20,000-30,000                                                     芝加哥藝術博物館,《A Collecting Odyssey—Indian,
                                                                               Himalayan, and Southeast Asian Art from the James and
            PROVENANCE:                                                        Marilynn Alsdorf Collection》,1997年8月2日—10月26日,
            Kapoor Galleries, New York, 5 June 1982.
            The James and Marilynn Alsdorf Collection, Chicago.
                                                                               P. Pal,《A Collecting Odyssey》,芝加哥,1997年,頁100
            The Art Institute of Chicago, “A Collecting Odyssey: Indian, Himalayan, and Southeast
            Asian Art from the James and Marilynn Alsdorf Collection,” 2 August-26 October 1997,
                                                                               J. Siudmak,《Orientations》,1997年7/8月,頁49,圖13。
            cat. no. 120.
            P. Pal, A Collecting Odyssey: Indian, Himalayan, and Southeast Asian Art from the James and
            Marilynn Alsdorf Collection, Chicago, 1997, pp. 100 and 298, cat. no. 120.
            J. Siudmak, “Gandharan and Western Himalayan Sculpture in the Alsdorf Collection,”
            Orientations, July/August 1997, p. 49, fig. 13.

            PART I
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