P. 142
75 Dainichi Nyorai in shrine nies performed by learned Esoteric monks. image is said originally to have been en-
lacquer and gold leaf on wood Dainichi is shown seated cross-legged shrined in Hokkaiji, built in the late
h. figure, 32.1 (i25/s); shrine, 83.7 (33) on a lotus throne in the standard posture twelfth century by Ashikaga Yoshikane
Kamakura period, late izth century of Buddhist meditation. His hand gesture (d. 1199), an important figure in the Kama-
(S: mudra) is specific to Esoteric Bud- kura shogunate in the northern part of
Kôtokuji, Tochigi Prefecture
dhism: the right fist clasps the index finger Ashikaga. Yoshikane's wife was a younger
Dainichi Nyorai (or Dainichi Buddha) was of the left hand, symbolizing all- sister of Hôjô Masako, wife of Minamoto
the principal deity of the Esoteric Tendai encompassing and cosmic wisdom. The Yoritomo (1147-1199), the founder of the
and Shingon schools of Buddhism, which hand gesture and the golden Wheel of the shogunate. Around that time, the Hojo
exalted him as the source of all existence. Buddhist Law identify him as Ichiji family placed Buddhist images by Unkei in
Esoteric Buddhism, which originated in Kinrin—ichiji being the magical "single Ganjôjuin, Shizuoka Prefecture. Consider-
India, reached Japan via China in the syllable" that expresses Dainichi's power, ing the close kinship of the Ashikaga to
ninth century. This new form of Bud- kinrin being the "golden wheel" symbolic the Hôjô, it is possible that this statue of
dhism, into which elements of Hinduism of Buddhism's universality. The pedestal, Dainichi was indeed made by Unkei (d.
had been merged, emphasized magical made of lacquered and gilded wood, forms 1223, cat. 108), who worked for the Hôjô
cult practices, mystical formulas, an enor- a lotus throne, supported by eight wooden family. SH
mous pantheon of vastly empowered and gold-painted lions, of which four are ex-
intricately related deities, religious ecstasy, tant. Crystal pendants hang from the tips
and the conviction that only the initiate of the lotus petals. X-ray examination of
could participate actively in the faith. As the figure of Dainichi has revealed that on
often happened with Buddhist deities the inside are a round jewel (shingetsurin,
translated to Japan, in the late Heian and ring of the moon-clear heart), probably of
Kamakura periods Dainichi the cosmic crystal, and a miniature five-tier stupa, a
principal acquired also the role of protec- pagoda of a type specific to Esoteric Bud-
tor and provider of such secular benefits as dhism (gorintd), probably of wood. Part of
health and various forms of worldly suc- the surface of the miniature shrine has re-
cess, though as an Esoteric deity he could cently been restored.
be appealed to by the lay devotee only Although the statue of Dainichi is
through the mediation of exotic ceremo- small, details of the face are precisely ren-
dered and the body is well balanced. This