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        of sliding door paintings at Shosenken, a  104  The  Battle of  Sekigahara  gahara. Fragmentary views of the village,
        subtemple of Shókokuji, used them as    attributed  to Tosa Mitsuyoshi  desolate  rice fields and a few farm houses,
        models for  his  work.          YS      (1539-1613)                     now occupied  by troops, can be seen in
                                                pair of eight-fold screens; ink, color,  panels two, three, and four  from  the  right.
        103  Scholars  viewing paintings        and gold-leaf on paper          In the upper area of the  screen  leyasu's
            hanging scroll; ink and  color on  silk  each  194.0 x 594.0 (763/8 x 2334/5)  troops march along Nakasendo Highway
            118.5x58.4(465/8x23)                Edo period, no later than  1611 or 1612  (panels two through  six) to join his camp at
            late Song-early  Yuan               Private  Collection             Akasaka, where the coalition of the  east-
            late i3th-early i4th century                                        ern army welcomes  his arrival (panels five
            Egawa Art Museum,                When Toyotomi Hideyoshi died in 1598,  through eight). Among the troops in the
            Hyógo Prefecture                 the nation's political leadership was left  to  upper  portion  of panel four is the gray-
                                             a Council of Five Elders (Gotaird)  and  a  bearded  leyasu, well-protected by his men.
        Playing the  koto (a stringed  instrument),  Five-Man Council  of Commissioners  (Go-  He rides a white horse, and wears black ar-
        playing chess and practicing and  enjoying  bugyd).  From  these two councils  emerged  mor and a white_headband. Panels one
        calligraphy and painting were essential  two rival leaders, Ishida Mitsunari (1560-  and two depict Ogaki Castle, the garrison
        pursuits for the cultivated person in the  1600), a commissioner who had been a  headquarters of the  western army, two
         Song Dynasty, and these  four activities,  confidant  and  a favored vassal of Hide-  miles west of Akamatsu. Skirmishes are
         called qin qi shu hua in Chinese,  were of-  yoshi, and who championed  the cause of  taking place in front of the entrance  to  the
         ten  a theme  of Southern  Song painting.  the hegemony of the Toyotomi; and Toku-  castle, where some of the over-zealous
        Many Japanese artists also employed  this  gawa leyasu (1543-1616), warlord and some-  troops of the eastern  army had been  lured
         theme  from the Muromachi period on.  time ally of Hideyoshi, who had been  away from Akamatsu and were thoroughly
            Originally one  of a set of four qin qi  consolidating his military power and his  beaten by the western army on the  eve of
         shu hua hanging scrolls, this work, on  the  landholdings in the  east, and maneuvering  the battle.
         theme  of painting, is the  only one remain-  through  grants of fiefs  and  marriage alli-  The  left  screen depicts Sekigahara
         ing. It was handed down in the  Asano fam-  ances to create  a daimyo coalition loyal to  from  the south. With leyasu's men  close at
         ily of daimyo of Aki Province (part of  himself.                       their heels (panels one through  three),  the
         present-day Hiroshima Prefecture). This  The commissioner Mitsunari, who  defeated  troops of Mitsunari's army flee
         painting, in the  style of Ma  Yuan (fl. c.  also had formed an alliance with daimyo  from their burning camps (panels two
         HQO-C. 1225), the  famous Southern  Song  loyal to the Toyotomi, attempted  to  through  three) toward Ibukiyama (Mount
         academic painter, dates to the late South-  strengthen his own position by making  Ibuki; panels five through eight), which
         ern  Song or early Yuan Dynasty. In  the  Toyotomi Hideyori, the  young son of Hi-  lies to the northeast  of Ogaki Castle. Some
         Muromachi period there was a particular  deyoshi, his cause celebre. The  struggle be-  are engaged in sword-to-sword  combat,
         interest in the  Southern  Song style, and  tween Mitsunari and leyasu  culminated  in  others in spear and sword combat.  In  the
         this work was already well known in Japan.  the  most famous battle in Japanese his-  lower sections of panels four through six,
         In the screen painting by the  Muromachi  tory, the  Battle of Sekigahara in Gifu, on  riflemen aim at the fleeing soldiers. These
         painter Sesshü Tóyó (1420-1506) of  the  fifteenth  day of the ninth month of  riflemen belong to the twenty-thousand-
         Flowers and Birds (cat. 96; see also cats.  1600. Mitsunari's troops, totalling approxi-  man force led by the turncoat  Kobaya-
         88, 89), there are plum branches  very simi-  mately 82,000 men, comprised the western  kawa, who began  the battle  supporting
         lar to those in this painting.  Furthermore,  army; the  eastern army, or leyasu's  alli-  Mitsunari and ended  it, probably by prear-
         the man at the left  in the work exhibited  ance, consisted  of about  75,000 men. le-  rangement,  on the  side of leyasu. In other
         here recalls a figure in Three Teachings  yasu emerged victorious from  the battle to  scenes in this screen, ranking warriors of
         (Museum of Fine Arts, Boston) by the  decide the rule of the realm. Mitsunari  the western army are about to commit  sep-
         lesser-known Sessô Tôyô (fl. c. 1460-^  fled, but later was captured  and executed  puku, or self-inflicted  disembowelment.
         1488), who  was possibly a disciple of  in Kyoto.                          This pair of screens is the  largest and
         Sesshü or perhaps even the  same per-   The right-hand screen depicts events  most detailed pictorial treatment  of the
         son.                            WA  of the  day before the  final battle from a  Battle of Sekigahara, containing more
                                             vantage point north  of the  village of Seki-

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