P. 176


                    ground, in abbreviated lines of ink with  Shaking your brain and turning your head,  Ashikaga shogunate.  This painting was
                    varying thickness and tonality. In the  tradi-  You  are getting old and senile in front  of  the  later examined and approved by the Edo
                    tion of mdryoga  (wang-liang-hua  in Chi-  Jeweled  Pavilion.           connoisseur and painter Kano Tan'yü
                    nese), or "apparition painting," some of  After  Sudhana is gone,       (1602-1674),  wno e   ms sea  on  the box in
                                                                                                         l ft
                    the pale ink lines seem to vanish, creating  Do  you know if  the grass is still green or  which the  painting is stored.  MR
                    a figure that appears to float on the paper.  not?
                       The  inscription, by Yanqi Guangwen
                    (1189-1263), a Chinese Chan (J: Zen)  Yanqi became abbot of Jingshan in 1256
                    monk and abbot of the  monastery of Jing-  and remained there until his death. Thus
                    shan in Hangzhou, was requested by a  the painting can be dated between 1256
                    Zen monk, a certain Chan-liao, who can-  and  1263. Zhiweng's works were brought
                    not be identified:                  to Japan from China during the Muro-
                                                        machi period, a time when many Chinese
                    Having  walked far and  wide,       paintings were brought over by Japanese
                    Having  been running  back and  forth,  Zen pilgrims and avidly collected by the

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