P. 171


         pdíní f/ie picture of the  hawk and  had  me  96  Flowers and  Birds    across the  foreground toward a lake. Both
         write an inscription....               attributed to Sesshü Tóyó (1420-1506)  screens emphasize the tactile forms in
            Who this Lord Toki was is a matter of  pair of six-fold  screens; ink and  color  their lower registers, which sharply con-
                                                                                                     space of the
                                                                                 trast with the uncluttered
         conjecture. If he was of exactly the  same  on paper                    middle and  far distance.
         generation as the  monk Shürin, Toki Ma-  each  179.0 x 365.5 (70^2 x 1437/10)  Sesshü  Tóyó, to whom these  screens
         safusa  (1467-1519), the ninth head of the  Muromachi period, c. 1483   are attributed, was a pivotal figure in  the
         family, might have been the  falconer.  Kosaka Zentarô Collection, Tokyo  development of Japanese ink painting, es-
         Other Toki family members known as     Important Cultural Property      pecially of landscapes. Although these
         painters of hawks include Toki Yoritaka                                 screens are unsigned, they are the best in
         (dates unknown) and the eleventh  figure-  On the right screen is a summer  scene  artistic quality and the earliest in date
         head of the  Toki family and  Constable of  with a pair of cranes near a waterfall; on  among some two dozen  sets of screens of
         Mino, Yoriyoshi (d. 1583), who during  the  the  left  screen,  a winter scene of egrets  this subject attributed to Sesshü. This pair
         family's downfall in the  15405 escaped  to  and mandarin ducks in a snowy landscape.  was once owned by the Masuda family in
         Kai Province (now Yamanashi Prefecture)  Rocks, a gnarled pine tree, a crane, and a  Shimane  Prefecture,  descendants  of Ma-
         to seek protection under the warrior  waterfall are all crowded into the lower  suda Kanetaka (d. 1485), a local military
         Takeda Shingen  (1521-1573). In a portrait  right of the summer screen; another  crane  steward (jito)  who ruled the  territory of
         also included here, Shingen is depicted  at the center  is framed  by overhanging  Masuda in Iwami Province (part of today's
         with a hawk (cat. 17).         YS   pine branches.  In the winter screen, dis-
                                             tant snowy hills stand against a darkened  Shimane Prefecture); the Masuda territory
                                             sky; the  lower left-hand corner  is filled  lay immediately to the north of Suó,  the
                                             with snow-covered rocks and an old plum  territory under the Ouchi's control during
                                             tree that extends its twisting branches  the  fifteenth  century. Sesshü painted a

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