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       kaga. The  temple also owns self-portraits  When Linji  was planting pine  trees [his  busho), and therefore was an official  of  the
       of three successive generations  of the Na-  teacher] Huangbo asked him, You plant so  lower junior rank. As to his artistic activi-
       gao warrior-artists, Kagenaga, Norinaga,  many pine trees deep  in the mountains, but  ties, the seventeenth-century source  Hon-
       and Norinaga's son Masanaga (1527-1569).  what are they for?  [Lin-];z replied,  First, for  chô gashi says that he followed Shübun
       Later in his life, Masanaga adopted  his  the scenery  of  the temple gate; second, as a  and Sesshü, and that he studied  Song
       grandfather's name Kagenaga, thus often  road sign for those who will come here  in  painting and used its ideas. About the
       causing confusion between  the two. This  the future.  When finished  speaking [Linji]  style of Dôan the  same source says that his
       landscape painting by Kagenaga, before it  dug at the ground three times with the hoe  brushwork is rough and abbreviated.  From
       came into the possession of the  present  he was carrying  on  his shoulder, and  drew a  various scattered  references, we know that
       owner, was also at Chórinji.    YS  deep  sigh.                         he actively patronized Buddhism. He con-
                                                                               tributed funds to the restoration of the
                                               The  iconographie attributes of this
        94  Patriarch  Rinzai (c: Linji) planting a  figure ordinarily would identify him as the  Great  Buddha of Tôdaiji at Nara shortly
          pine tree                        Fifth  Zen Patriarch Hongren  (601-675)  after  1567, and he donated a lantern to  the
          Yamada Dôan (d. c. 1573)         who is said to have been a pine planter at  Kasuga Shrine, also in Nara.
          hanging scroll; ink and color  on  paper  Potou before being chosen  Patriarch. It is  A number of fine paintings stamped
          81.2 x 34.0(32 x 133/8)          difficult  to say whether Genyô misinter-  with a rectangular seal identical to the  one
          Muromachi period, mid-loth century  preted the painting or whether Dôan in-  on this painting are now accepted  as works
          Tokyo University of Arts         tended  it to be Linji. The  problem of  by Dôan. They are Hotel (C: Budai) in the
                                                                               Cleveland Museum, Shdki (C: Zongkui) in
                                           identifying the figure exemplifies how the
        An old man clad in ragged cassocks, his  identifying characteristics of one  iconic  Kenchôji, Kamakura, and  Eggplants  and
        left  shoulder  exposed,  carries over his right  figure were often applied to  another.  melons, a pair of hanging scrolls in  the
        shoulder a hoe with a young pine sapling  Although many questions  remain  collection  of the Museum of Fine Arts,
        tied to its handle. The  pale outer garment,  about the  identity of Yamada Dôan, it is  Boston.       YS
        which identifies the  figure as a Buddhist,  certain that he was a warrior-painter of the
        is punctured by two gaping holes, indica-  sixteenth century. Three different paint-  95  White hawk
        ting his indifference to external appear-  ers with the name Dôan are known in the  Toki Tomikage (Fukei; fl. mid-i6th
        ance. He is white-haired and bearded, with  Yamada family. Extant works purported  to  century)
        a facial expression that conveys something  be by Dôan  carry different kinds of seals,  hanging scroll; ink on paper
        of his otherworldliness, not unlike that of  including the rectangular relief stamped  100.7 x 49.5 (397/8 x 19^2)
        an aged and ascetic  Lohan,  a follower of  on this painting. Although no definitive bi-  Muromachi  period, mid i6th  century
        the Buddha Sakyamuni. The artist's rec-  ography of the artist has been  established,  Fujii Akira Collection,  Tokyo
        tangular relief seal, Yamadashi  Ddan  our Dôan  is widely identified as Dôan  I, or  Important Art Object
        (Dôan of the  Yamada family), is stamped  at  Yamada Junchi [or Toshitomo],  whose
        the  lower left. A five-line inscription by a  probable death date was c. 1573. He was  A noble white hawk, its sharp claws firmly
        certain as yet unidentified Genyô,  whose  ruler of Iwakake Castle in Yamada city,  grasping a plum branch,  is silhouetted
        circular seal is stamped  at the  end of the  Yamato Province (in present-day Nara Pre-  against a wintry sky. Its deadly bill  closed,
        last line, incompletely quotes a passage  fecture). He held a second-level position  the bird of prey casts an alert gaze to  the
        from  the famous collected  sayings of the  (taiho) in the  department  of finance (min-  left. White plum blossoms bud and bloom
        Zen patriarch  Linji Yixuan (d. 867):                                  on the branch. The  stately shape of the

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