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                   characters are by the  brush of  the  Grand  who divided water into myriad icy flowers.  indeed  is his steadfast  heart. Here is  my
                   Minister  and our Great Patron [Ashikaga  Those who would  represent snow were poets  humble poem or, rather, an  afterthought:
                   Haruuji; d. 1560], to which no idle words  and painters of  the  Tang  and  Song  dynas-  Under  the clear sky the chilling  white  sheet;
                   should  be casually added. That  notwith-  ties. Scholar Su  [Dongpo]  built  a hall with a  Incorruptible  is the purity  of  heart that
                   standing, the request [to have my inscrip-  thatched  roof  amidst  deep  snow; he covered  knows elegant  things;
                   tion] was pressing enough  to break  my  its walls with a painting  of snow and called  May  he always put  to use [the thought of
                   reticence. I, being old and  lazy, am  a man  of  the building  Snow  Hall.  Our  Buddha  snow] to cleanse his heart;
                   few  flattering  words. Thus, without elabo-  Sakyamuni  had reached the Right State of  The picture of the mountains yields  white
                   rating on  snow,  here I  offer  a lead poem  and  Consciousness  atop the snow-covered  lotus  blossoms.
                   ask the  Venerable Master of  the  Hdsen  [the  mountain peak, where he sat and  meditated
                   Hôsen'an subtemple]  and his companion  to  in order to attain Enlightenment. Our Pa-  The  Seventh year ofTenmon  [1538]; the
                   join me with their poems, so that, like bur-  triarch Seppd  [Xuefeng or Snow  Peak;  822-  Year dwells Under the 2^th  Constellation
                   nishing  chipped  white  jade, theirs would  im-  908] had attained  the  Way atop Ao-shan  [in  Hydra; Autumn, the 8th month. Rustic Zen
                   prove mine.                         Hunan]. All  of  these occurred within close  Monk  Soshd; written  at Chdshdken  [Listen-
                                                       proximity  of snow. All  that  Buddha  ing to the  Pines  Study], [followed by a
                      Snow, in the diagram of  the  Book of  Dharma  [embraces]  z's likened  to being  tripod-shape  seal]
                   Changes, is explained  as a multitude of  amidst  snow. Who  is the  master of  this
                   Ying elements, easily  changeable; it is also  study?  Isn't  he surely a person of  impeccable  At the lower right is a poem by  the
                   said that snow was made by the Creator  purity  and simplicity  of  heart? Admirable  monk Teihô  Shochu (dates unknown), also

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