P. 257

157  Tóseí gusoku armor             gourds and chrysanthemums, all con-  with chrysanthemum-shaped  medallions
            iron, leather, lacquer, silk, gilt metal  nected  by a weave of chain mail to iron  attached  to a light brown cloth  ground
            cuirass h.  37  (^ /^}           gloves and attached  to a ground of blue  brocaded  with a design of clouds.  The
            Edo period, iSth-icth century    silk cloth  richly brocaded  with a design of  black-lacquered suneate are made from
                                             peonies.                           three  hinged curved sections of iron lined
             Kunózan Tóshógü,
             Shizuoka  Prefecture               The  lower half of the  body is pro-  with linen. The  kote (armored sleeves), are
                                             tected by the  standard set of several well-  a grid of iron chain  mail with gourd  and
         When  a son in the  Tokugawa shogunate  integrated parts. The  kusazuri is made of  floral medallions, backed with the  same
         household  celebrated  his coming of age, it  five tiers of small black-lacquered leather  brocaded  cloth  as the  haidate.
         was customary for the  Iwai house, over-  lames divided into nine sections.  The  tiers  The  helmet is a suji  kabuto, or "ridged
         seers of the shogunal armor, to  present  are bound together  with blue  silk lacing.  helmet," somewhat similar in  construction
         him with a set of armor. This set is one  Below the  kusazuri is the  haidate (protec-  and shape to that  of the  Kagoshima Jingu
         such  example. Although  six similar sets  are  tive apron), made of five tiers of card-  ddmaru  (cat.  148). In this tdsei gusoku  hel-
         extant and their provenance  is unclear,  shaped  small, black-lacquered  leather  met, however, the shikoro, or neck  guard,
         this one is traditionally said to have be-  lames, also bound  with the  blue  silk lacing.  is formed of five iron panels tiered  to
         longed  either to the ninth  shogun,  leshige  The  haidate is backed with the  same richly  curve sharply downward. A sword-shaped
         (1711-1761),  or the eleventh  shogun, lenari  brocaded  blue cloth  that  was used for the  projection stands alone at the front of the
         (1773-1841). It is made of two  hinged  kote. The  shins are protected  by a pair of  helmet,  a popular  Momoyama-period
         halves, with lamellar tiers laced  in red,  and  suneate, made of six iron splints and  iron  style. In the Muromachi  period, similar
         the  helmet  is of the  suji  kabuto (ridged)  chain mail.             projections were usually combined  with a
         type.                          HY       The  helmet  is formed from  two  horn-shaped  kuwagata, whose twin prongs
                                             sheets of hammered  iron and lined with  would flank it on either  side, as in the Ka-
                                             heavily stitched  linen cloth. Twelve deco-  goshima Jingü helmet. The  interior  of the
         158  Tdsei gusoku armor             rative rivets encircle  the  base of the hel-  helmet  is inscribed,  Made  by  Yoshimichi.
            iron, leather, lacquer, silk, yak hair  met, and cart wheel designs are  depicted  The  hammered  iron mask is lacquered  on
            cuirass h. 45.0(173/4)           in maki-e lacquer  at the  sides. A shikoro of  the  interior  and is equipped with a set of
            Momoyama  period,                five tiers of long horizontal iron panels is  silver-plated teeth; a four-tiered throat
            late loth-early i7th century     suspended  from  the base of the helmet, as  guard is attached  to the  mask.
            Agency for Cultural  Affairs, Tokyo  is a hammered  iron mask with a  detach-  An early seventeenth-century  portrait
            Important Cultural  Property     able nose. A plume of white yak hair trails  of Sakakibara Yasumasa depicts the war-
                                             from  the rear of the helmet,  reflecting the  rior wearing this armor (cat. 33). In  the
         The  powerful influence exerted  by Euro-  tendency  for the projecting element  of the  painting, Yasumasa sits cross-legged on a
         pean armor on the development  of "mod-  tdsei gusoku helmet  to be made of unusual  bear skin cushion, and the dragon and
         ern equipment" is reflected  in this set of  materials and to be positioned  more  freely  wave design on the  armor is  recognizable.
         tdsei gusoku. Along with firearms, which  than  in earlier periods.  AMW  It is interesting to note, though,  that  in the
         altered the nature of Japanese warfare,                                 painting, the armor is equipped  with a set
         sets of Western armor began  to arrive in Ja-                           of sode, upper arm-guards, also  decorated
         pan from  the end of the Muromachi pe-  159  Tdsei gusoku  armor        with the wave designs. The  mask has been
         riod. Japanese warriors adapted  them by  iron, leather,  lacquer,  silk, gilt  metal,  removed, allowing a clear view of the  sit-
         adding typical Japanese parts: kusazuri  silver                         ter's  face.                 AMW
         (protective skirts) were suspended  from  cuirass h.  39.0 (153/8)
         the cuirass and shikoro (neck guards) from  Momoyama  period,
         the helmet. Japanese armorers then     late loth-early i7th century     160  Tosei gusoku armor
         started to produce  entire  sets of Western-  Agency for Cultural Affairs, Tokyo  iron, leather, lacquer, silk, paper,
         style armor, known in Japanese  as nan-  Important  Cultural  Property     wood, gold leaf
         bandd gusoku, of which this set is                                         cuirass h.  39.0 (153/4)
         representative.                     This set of tdsei gusoku  was owned by  Momoyama  period,
             According to the  Tokugawa  jikki  Sakakibara Yasumasa (1548-1606),  the  late i6th-early i7th  century
         (Records of the  Tokugawa shoguns), this  daimyo of a domain in Kozuke  Province
         set was presented  by Tokugawa leyasu  (present-day Gunma  Prefecture). Lavish  Honda Takayuki Collection,  Tokyo
         (1543-1616) to his important  ally Sakakibara  use is made of maki-e lacquer to depict  the  Important Cultural  Property
         Yasumasa (1548-1606),  daimyo of a domain  gold and  silver dragon that winds around  This  massive set of tdsei gusoku  was origi-
         in Kôzuke Province (present-day Gunma  the lower tiers of the cuirass, and the gold  nally owned and worn by Honda  Tada-
         Prefecture). The  cuirass is made from  two  waves that churn  along the bottom  two  katsu (1548-1610),  one  of Tokugawa le-
         single sheets  of hammered  iron, one for  tiers of the  kusazuri (protective  skirt). Sil-  yasu's most trusted  generals and a power-
         the front  and one for the back, hinged  on  ver is used to trim both  the cuirass and  the  ful  daimyo of Ise Province (a large part of
         the  left  side and fastened together  with  kusazuri. Gold  maki-e lacquer and gilt  present Mie Prefecture). Attached  to the
         cord at the right. The rims of the  cuirass  metal cart  wheel  designs are  dispersed  sides of the  distinctive helmet  is a striking
         are finished with lacquer, and the  interior  over many parts of the  set, including the  pair of antlers, large but  lightweight,  made
         is lined with black-lacquered  leather.  Iron  small fukikaeshi  of the  helmet,  the  top of  of wood and layers of paper hardened  with
         shoulder straps serve as the  base for a pair  the cuirass, and the  iron gloves.  coats of black lacquer.  The  grimacing
         of hinged gydyd,  which protect fastening  The  set, composed  of tiers made  from  horned  head  (shigami)  at the  front of the
         cords and a pair of horn  toggles. Also at-  black-lacquered horizontal  iron panels, is  helmet,  carved from  wood, covered  with
         tached  to the  shoulder  straps are a set of  of the  nimaidd  type, with the  front  and  black lacquer  and gold-leafed, was a type
         kobire, tiny shoulder guards often  used in  back forming two discrete  hinged  sections.  of ornament  popular from  the  Momoyama
         tôsei gusoku, here three tiers of narrow  The  five-tiered  kusazuri is divided into  through the Edo periods.  This set includes
         iron panels bound  with blue lacing.  The  seven sections.  Below this is the  haidate  a string of gold-leafed wood prayer beads
         kote (armored sleeves) are made  from  (protective  apron), made of iron chain  mail  (not pictured  here) reflecting the  Buddhist
         metalwork patches,  some in the  shape of                               faith  of the warrior.

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