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                  of the cherry trees begin at the bottom of  large reed stalks in gold takamaki-e (relief
                  both legs of the  saddle, while their  maki-e) lacquer and  sheet  gold on a black
                  branches then arch toward the center, par-  lacquer ground; silver drops of dew cling
                  alleling the  saddle's curved shape and cre-  to the reeds. The two wheels are rimmed
                  ate a symmetrical design. The  branches  on  with gold. The  stirrups, of black  lacquered
                  both legs are adorned  with cherry blos-  wood mounted  on iron, are similarly deco-
                  soms, leaves, and tiny ferns growing along  rated with reeds.
                  the tree's trunk. Even the  seat of the sad-  This saddle is said to have belonged  to
                  dle, which would have been covered  by a  Toyotomi Hideyoshi (1537-1598). An ink
                  saddlecloth, is decorated  with a  delicate  drawing of the  saddle is inscribed,  Middle
                  design of scattered  leaves and  sprays of  of  the  first  month, fifth  year  ofTenshd
                  blossoms. Roots and tree trunks are  filled  [1577], Hideyoshi  [kaó]. However, on the  re-
                  in with full  pieces of shell, while most of  verse of the  saddle seat is an inscription
                  the flower petals are delicately outlined  that  reads, A day in the ninth month, sec-
                  with a thin line of shell. The  stylized treat-  ond year ofBurian  [1446], indicating that
                  ment  of natural motifs such  as these  this was an old saddle newly decorated  in
                  cherry blossoms is characteristic Kama-  1577.                      SN
                  kura-period arts and crafts. The  intricacy
                  and complexity of the  cherry blossom de-  220  Saddle and  stirrups
                  sign is comparable  to that  of the  shigure  maki-e lacquer and  gold on wood
                  saddle (cat. 217), suggesting that both sad-  27.8(101/4)
                  dles were created  during the  same  period.  Edo period, i7th-i8th century
                      This saddle formerly belonged  to the
                  Asano family, overlords of Aki Province  Tokyo National Museum
                  (present-day Hiroshima Prefecture).  MR
                                                      The  front  and back wheels are  decorated
                                                      with a plum tree and hawk design in
                   219  Saddle and  stirrups          takamaki-e (relief maki-e) lacquer  and  cut
                      maki-e and black lacquer, gold and  gold leaf on a pear-skin ground  (nashiji);
                      silver on wood                  the hawks' eyes are glass. An inscription
                      saddle 27.5 (io7/s)             on the reverse of the  saddle seat reads,
                      Momoyama period, loth  century  Tenth day of  the second month, seventh
                                                      year ofMeid  [1498]. As seen  in cat.  219, and
                      Tokyo National  Museum          as was often the  case in the  Edo period, an
                      Important  Cultural  Property   old saddle was newly decorated.  SN
                   The  bold decoration  on the front and
                   back wheels of this saddle is typical of
                   Momoyama-period design. It consists of

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