P. 74


                  8  Hosokawa Sumimoto                scholar-monk Keijo Shurin (1444-1518) in  with a large kuwagata (hornlike projec-
                    hanging scroll; ink and  color on  silk  the tenth month  of 1507, when  Sumimoto  tion). A tachi hangs from  his belt, and a
                    119.7x59.7(471/8x231/2)           was at the  peak of his career. Half a year  koshigatana (short sword) is tucked  into his
                    Muromachi period, no later than 1507  later, on the ninth  day of the  fourth  belt. He holds a halberd and a whip in his
                                                      month  of 1508, Sumimoto  was driven away  right hand and, in his left, the  reins. Typi-
                    Eisei Bunko, Tokyo                by Hosokawa Takakuni and fled once  cal of portraits of mounted  warriors,  the
                    Important Cultural  Property      again to Omi; he continued  to  fight  horse is shown from  the  side, lifting its
                   Hosokawa Sumimoto  (1489-1520), born  to  against Takakuni until his death  in 1520,  front  right and rear left  legs. The  depic-
                   a branch  of the  Hosokawa family, was  though he never  regained  his  position.  tion of the horse suggests that this portrait
                   adopted  by Masamoto.  In the  sixth  month  According to the  Hosokawa family  was painted  by an artist of the Kano
                   of  1507, when his stepfather,  Masamoto,  history and lineage record,  Sumimoto  had  school.
                   was killed by his vassal Kosai Mataroku  a certain Kano artist with the  Buddhist  Keijo Shürin's inscription,  which  is in-
                   Motonaga, Sumimoto  escaped  to Omi  rank Hdgen  (Eye of the  Law) paint this  cluded  in his collected  literary works,
                   (present-day Shiga  Prefecture).  Kosai Mo-  portrait after  the  example of a 'Victorious  reads, in part:
                   tonaga supported  Hosokawa Sumiyuki,  portrait" of Ashikaga Takauji (1305-1358),  ... Long ago the Genji  clan subjugated the
                   Masamoto's other adopted  son who had  founder of the Muromachi  shogunate;  east of  the  capital  Military  leaders  rose  in
                   come from the  Kujô family, but  in the  Keijo Shürin added an inscription, and  the  the eastern provinces. From Hosokawa  Yon-
                   eighth  month  of the  same year, Hosokawa  painting was handed  down in Shinjôin, a  haru to his son  Yoriyuki, they  were  first
                   Takakuni, Miyoshi Yukinaga, and  others  subtemple of Tenryüji, the  Zen  temple  called Kanrei [deputy shogun]....
                   came to Kyoto with their forces and killed  founded  in Kyoto by Ashikaga Takauji.  Hosokawa Sumimoto, a great archer
                   Hosokawa Sumiyuki and Kosai Motonaga.  Shinjôin, the mortuary temple  of the Ho-  and horseman, is far above other humans.
                   Sumimoto then succeeded  to the leader-  sokawa clan, was also Sumimoto's Bud-  He  is also versed  in waka [Japanese poetry]
                   ship of the  Hosokawa family. The  inscrip-  dhist title; the temple no longer  exists.  and appreciates  the moon and the wind....
                   tion on this portrait was added by the  Sumimoto wears a type of armor  Outside  the citadel he takes bows and ar-
                                                      called haramaki (cats. 150,151) and  a helmet

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