Page 54 - Bonhams Himalayan, Indian Art march 2015
P. 54


21                                                                         The treatment of the throne, the distinct raised disc platform, the bold
A thangka of Chakrasamvara                                                 scrollwork, palette, and heavy black outlining are all consistent with
Tibet, 15th century                                                        work associated with Guge in Western Tibet. Compare the throne
Distemper on cloth, laid on mylar board; standing in alidhasana before     supports in a 14th-century Shakyamuni thangka in a private collection
a skull-lined gold ring of fire, the blue yidam has four heads and twelve  ( Also compare the
arms, his primary hands cross the vajra and bell and embrace the           format with an early-15th-century thangka of a Bon Deity held in
consort Vajrayogini, they are surrounded by protector deities and          the Metropolitan Museum of Att (1994.527), and a Sakya lineage
lineage figures of the Krishnacharin tradition.                            Chakrasamvara thangka published in Rhie & Thurman, Wisdom and
27 3/4 x 21 5/8 in. (70.5 x 55 cm)                                         Compassion, New York, 1991, p. 221, no. 70.
$15,000 - 20,000
An impressive pantheon of important Vajrayana deities surround             HAR –
Chakrasamvara. Manjushri appears at the apex, flanked by Maha
Maya and Samvara. Hevajra and Kalachakra appear in the top                 Provenance
corners. The left register includes Guhyasamaja, Yogini Naro, and          Private English Collection, 1970s/80s-present
Mahakala. The right register includes Buddha Kapala, Achala, and
Krishna Yamari.

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