Page 83 - Sotheby's Important Jades, Amber & Hardstones Oct. 3, 2018
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The exceptional quality of the stone and craftsmanship of this 此套玉盃用料之上乘,造工之精湛,由其清三代皇帝之御
cup and stand is evidenced in the yuyong imperial marks which 用刻款足證。御用款器供帝皇專用,在宮中的云云器物中
show it was admired by three of the great Qing emperors. 最受尊崇,而御製款器則為皇帝下旨所製之器物。有兩朝
Designated for objects created for the personal use of the
emperor, the yuyong mark is probably the most prestigious of
all marks found on imperial wares, closely followed by the yuzhi 款者,更是鳳毛麟角。署乾隆及嘉慶御用刻款之白玉器物
designation which was applied to objects made by imperial 有一雙耳盃,其盃托蓮座為群龍盤繞,現藏北京故宮博物
command. While a small number of vessels with yuyong marks
of two rulers is known, it is exceptionally rare to find three
清,北京,2011年,圖版140。另有一執壺,為 Ernest
rulers’ marks as seen on the present; white jade vessels with
Qianlong and Jiaqing yuyong marks include a two-handled Joseph Cassel and Delamere 爵士伉儷所藏,售於香港
cup and its matching stand, ornately carved with dragons 佳士得2011年6月1號,編號3600。
surrounding a similarly carved double lotus pedestal as the
present, in the Palace Museum, Beijing, is published in Gugong 此套玉盃同時揉合仿古及西洋設計,乾隆的獨到品味可見
bowuyuan wenwu cangpin daxi. Yuqi juan/Compendium of 一斑。盃身環飾卷葉紋,配以三角變形蟬紋,引對上古饕
Collections in the Palace Museum: Jade, vol. 10: Qing, Beijing,
2011, pl. 140; and a ewer, from the collections of Sir Ernest
Joseph Cassel and Lady Delamere, sold at Christie’s Hong
Kong, 1st June 2011, lot 3600.
In its decoration, this piece combines the Qianlong Emperor’s 數套藏於北京故宮博物院,載於《故宮博物院文物藏品
taste for both archaistic designs and exotic western motifs. 大系.玉器卷》,前述出處,圖版137-142。另有一雙耳
The craftsman has cleverly fused the two to result in a piece
盃連托,傳為晚明之物,也曾展於紐約《Chinese Jades
that is both familiar and innovative: the foliage encircling the
cup, together with the chevron band, is reminiscent of archaic from Han to Ch’ing》,前述出處,編號146。兩套盃連
bronze taotie designs, while the traditional Chinese motif of the 托,定為乾隆年製,皆售於紐約佳士得,其一為 Harry
lotus scroll on the rim of the stand has been embellished with a
and Judith Solomon 爵士伉儷所藏,售於2011年5月
European rococo flair.
The majority of cups extant today has been separated from
their original cupstands and only a small number of original
sets is known, including several in the Palace Museum, Beijing,
illustrated in Gugong bowuyuan wenwu cangpin daxi. Yuqi
juan/Compendium of Collections in the Palace Museum: Jade.,
op. cit., pls 137-142; a two-handled cup and stand, attributed
to the late Ming dynasty, included in the exhibition Chinese
Jades from Han to Ch’ing, Asia House Gallery, New York, 1980,
cat. no. 146; and two pairs of cups with stands, attributed
to the Qianlong period, sold at Christie’s New York, the first
sold 24th/25th March 2011, lot 1506, from the collection of
Sir Harry and Lady Judith Solomon, and the second, 15th
September 2011, lot 1021.