Page 27 - 2019 October Qing Imperial Porcelain Sotheby's Hong Kong
P. 27

Decorated in low relief with a marvellous matrix composed of   粉青釉罐,通體飾卷草蓮紋,層次分明,為乾隆窰粉
                             lush leafy lotuses, this jar is a fine example of celadon-glazed   青瓷佳例。此類青瓷傚仿明龍泉窰器,既突顯乾隆帝
                             wares made during the Qianlong reign. Essentially inspired   慕古之情,亦反映其鑑古思變、古物新作之慧眼。
                             by Longquan celadon wares in the Ming tradition, the present
                             jar reflects the Qianlong Emperor’s interest in antiquity while   不僅遵循明規,陶匠創思出新,此件粉青釉蓮紋罐且
                             adapting ancient aesthetics to suit contemporary taste.
                             While drawing from Ming celadon traditions, the Qing   線更形修長典雅;蓮紋優雅細膩,有別於明朝雛本。
                             craftsman has subtly imbued the present jar with a   承襲前人之風,乾隆帝選以景德鎮瓷胎呈現青綠色
                             contemporaneity that firmly positions it within the taste of
                             the Qianlong Emperor, as demonstrated by the elongated   釉,瓷胎潔白勻淨,較龍泉厚重粗胎更能映襯青釉澈
                             ovoid contours and the intricacy of the lotus motif on this jar   淨明潤,顯出紋飾鮮豔剔透。此外,窰工篩減宋代龍
                             in contrast to its robust Ming prototypes. Moreover, following   泉釉中鐵質,乃得如斯水瑩青釉。
                             the innovation by his predecessors, the Qianlong Emperor
                             commissioned revival celadon wares on fine white porcelain   落年款之浮雕青釉罐珍稀罕見,但可參考數例。見一
                             body from Jingdezhen, as opposed to coarser Longquan   牡丹紋罐例,同署乾隆年款,售於倫敦蘇富比2007年
                             stonewares. The glaze composition was also modified, and   5月16日,編號115;尚有一較小作例,飾蓮紋,售於
                             a more delicate translucent tone of the celadon glaze was   香港蘇富比1982年11月9日,編號231。另可比較仇焱
                             achieved through lessening the amount of iron typically   之收藏一龍紋例,無款,售於紐約蘇富比2011年9月
                             found in earlier Longquan celadons.
                             Moulded and carved celadon jars of similar form bearing
                             imperial reign marks are rare, see a marked example
                             decorated with peony sold in our London rooms, 16th May
                             2007, lot 115; and another smaller example decorated
                             with lotus, sold in these rooms, 9th November 1982, lot
                             231. Compare also an unmarked example decorated with
                             dragons, originally in the Edward T. Chow collection, sold in
                             our New York rooms, 14th September 2011, lot 207.

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