Page 30 - 2019 October Qing Imperial Porcelain Sotheby's Hong Kong
P. 30

The current cup, with its vibrant lime-green enamel covering   雍正一朝,技藝發展蓬勃,在宮廷傳教士的影響下,
           the exterior of its delicate porcelain body, is an exceptionally   御瓷推陳出新。此盌形雅胎薄,釉彩青綠明亮,清朗
           rare paradigm of the Yongzheng Emperor’s pursuit of   簡約,誠當中罕見典範。中國雖盛產鉛銻,但直到傳
           innovation and the influence of Jesuit technology. Despite   教士抵華,始促其用,陶工才把銅加入鉛銻,成就如
           having an abundant supply of lead-antimonate in China, it   本品般奪目之青綠釉彩。
           was not until the Jesuit missionaries had a direct influence
           on the manufacture of arts and crafts that Chinese potters   青綠或為雍正朝最罕見的釉彩,其光潤勻稱,讓人讚
           started adding copper to lead-antimonate to produce the   歎。青綠釉彩乃以低溫燒就,是以此色彩瓷必經複
           lime-green enamel seen on the current cup.
           In addition to lime-green being among the rarest enamels   院藏兩例,其一出版於《故宮清瓷圖錄.康熙窰.
           used in the Yongzheng reign, the evenness of the enamel is   雍正窰》,東京,1980年,圖版153,另一例曾展出
           also particularly noteworthy. The lime-green enamel would   於《青代單色釉瓷器特展》,台北,1981年,圖版44
           have required a second firing at a lower temperature and
           it is difficult to achieve a satisfactory result as seen on the   。另見一對盃,收錄於《五色晚霞:竹月堂藏元明清
           current cup. See two lime-green examples in Taipei, one   一道釉瓷器》,香港中文大學文物館,香港, 2005
           published in the Illustrated Catalogue of Ch’ing Dynasty   年,編號113。
           Porcelain in the National Palace Museum, Republic of China:
           K’ang-hsi Ware and Yung-cheng Ware, Tokyo, 1980, pl.   還可參考底署雙方框款之例,如玫茵堂舊藏,售於
           153; and the other included in the exhibition Qingdai danse   香港蘇富比2011年4月7日,編號30。保羅.白納德伉
           you ciqi tezhan [Special exhibition of monochrome glazed   儷舊藏另有一盃,售於香港蘇富比1988年11月15日,
           porcelain of the Qing dynasty], Taipei, 1981, pl. 44. See also   編號68。且參考專場另一青綠盃,器壁圓弧,呈半球
           a similar pair included in the exhibition Shimmering Colours.   狀,拍品編號3116。
           Monochromes of the Yuan to Qing Period: The Zhuyuetang
           Collection, Art Museum, The Chinese University of Hong
           Kong, Hong Kong, 2005, cat. no. 113.
           Related examples with reign marks inscribed within double
           squares include a pair sold in these rooms, 7th April 2011,
           lot 30, from the Meiyintang collection; and a single cup
           also sold in these rooms, 15th November 1988, lot 68, from
           the collection of Paul and Helen Bernat. Compare also a
           lime-green enamelled cup, with a more hemispherical form,
           offered in this sale, lot 3116.

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