Page 58 - 2019 October Qing Imperial Porcelain Sotheby's Hong Kong
P. 58

The current cup, with its charming proportions and   此盌比例絕佳,脂紅妙麗,呈現雍正皇帝含蓄雅致之
           vibrant ruby-red enamel, is an archtypcal realisation of the   審美觀,同時為十八世紀瓷藝躍進的佐證。
           Yongzheng Emperor’s aesthetic for understated refinement
           and the technical developments in ceramic production in the   受益於宮廷傳教士引入之西洋科技,康熙末年成功研
           18th century.
           By virtue of the influence of Jesuit technology, pink enamel   雍正、乾隆年間,續以低溫燒製胭脂紅彩,發色不
           of this type was developed in China in the final years of the   一,成為中國瓷藝中出眾的品類。景德鎮督陶官唐英
           Kangxi period but very few Kangxi examples are known. It   (1682-1756年)在《陶成紀事碑記》中,便稱此類為
           was not until the Yongzheng and Qianlong periods that the
           low-fired ruby-red enamel – which came in varying shades   「西洋紅色器皿」。
           pink – became a more prominent feature in the repertoire
           of Chinese ceramics. In fact, Tang Ying (1682-1756),   單色釉瓷,看以為易,實則尤艱,嚴苛匠人純青造
           Superintendent of the imperial kilns in Jingdezhen, referred   詣,精準細密,拉坯燒製,繼而吹釉,即通過竹筒,
           to such vessels as “Western red-glazed wares” in Taocheng   蒙以細沙,必須一絲不苟,才得此輕盈均勻之色。
           jishi bei ji [Commemorative Stele on Ceramic Production].
           Deceptively simple, the manufacture of such monochrome
           cups demanded the highest level of skill and meticulous   港,1989年,圖版132,另參考布倫戴奇舊藏一例,
           precision, from not only the potting and firing but also the   署單圈年款,現藏於三藩市亞洲藝術博物館,圖見博
           application of the enamel, which entailed blowing carefully   物館官方網站,編號B60P2365。且有一對收錄於《徐
           through a silk gauze-covered bamboo tube on the biscuit   氏藝術館》,香港,1991年,圖版126。本場拍賣還
           to achieve the lightly speckled yet even effect seen on the   有一尺寸略小之胭脂彩盃,拍品編號3102。
           current cup.
           See a similar cup, illustrated in Kangxi, Yongzheng, Qianlong.
           Qing Porcelain from the Palace Museum Collection, Hong
           Kong, 1989, pl. 132; another related example, with the
           reign mark inscribed within a single circle, from the Avery
           Brundage Collection and now preserved in the Asian Art
           Museum of San Francisco, San Francisco, published on the
           Museum’s website, no. B60P2365; and a pair published in
           The Tsui Museum of Art, Hong Kong, 1991, pl. 126.
           See also a smaller ruby-pink enamelled cup also offered in
           this sale, lot 3102.

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