Page 63 - 2019 October Qing Imperial Porcelain Sotheby's Hong Kong
P. 63

This large and exquisitely glazed vase is an archetypal   長頸荸薺瓶器形秀雅,姿態纖緻,為雍正御製單色瓷
                             example of Yongzheng (r. 1723-1735) monochrome   之典型。雍正帝博覽宮藏古珍,廣識多聞,審美鑑賞
                             porcelain in its gracefulness and refinement of form. Under   眼光精到,進而促成當朝製瓷技術突飛猛進,融匯新
                             the Emperor’s keen eye, which was steeped in a thorough   穎的形制、釉彩,得以造出如此雅器。
                             knowledge of the antiquities in the imperial collection, a
                             profusion of new shapes and colour emerged which was only
                             possible through the great technical advances that were   此瓶釉色光華瑩潤,所施仿宋青釉,足顯清代帝皇慕
                             achieved by his reign.                    古雅意,亦見御窰為迎合聖意之創新技術。窰工篩減
                             The subtle glaze has been created in imitation of Longquan
                             celadon of the Song period (960-1279) and reflects the   創燒於康熙,雍正繼而善之,技法日臻精熟,遂見本
                             Qing emperors’ penchant for these early wares, which they   品青釉澈淨明潤。
                             not only collected but also commissioned the imperial kilns
                             to recreate or imitate. The delicate, almost watery tone of   其形源自宋代,參見北京博物院藏一龍泉長頸瓶例,
                             celadon was a Kangxi innovation which was produced by   錄於《故宮博物院藏文物珍品全集.宋(下)》,香
                             lessening the amount of iron typically found in Song dynasty   港,1996年,圖版99。
                             Longquan celadons. The glaze was further modified during
                             the Yongzheng period.                     此形制多見於乾隆一朝,雍正原型極為珍稀。參見一
                             The form itself is inspired by a Song prototype, such as   乾隆仿官釉瓶例,出自史蒂芬.瓊肯三世收藏,曾售
                             the Longquan bottle vase in the Palace Museum, Beijing,   於紐約蘇富比2018年9月12日,編號115。
                             illustrated in The Complete Collection of Treasures of the
                             Palace Museum. Porcelain of the Song Dynasty (II), Hong
                             Kong, 1996, pl. 99.
                             The form is more frequently found on monochrome vases
                             produced during the Qianlong period, and it is rare to find
                             a Yongzheng example. For a Qianlong example of this
                             form, see the ‘guan’-type bottle vase from the collection
                             of Stephen Junkunc III, sold in our New York rooms, 12th
                             September 2018, lot 115.

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