Page 68 - 2019 October Qing Imperial Porcelain Sotheby's Hong Kong
P. 68
Remarkable for its fine potting, impeccable tactile glaze and 本品形制精美、釉色朗潤、紋飾素雅,乃單色釉瓷一
elegant moulded decoration, the present bowl epitomises 細膩精絕傑作,標誌雍正年間景德鎮御窰廠之一絲不
the delicacy and precision of monochrome porcelains 苟,技藝精湛。
achieved by the imperial kilns during the Yongzheng period.
Continuing from the innovations during the Kangxi reign, the 此品青釉意啟明朝龍泉窰器,創燒於康熙,雍正繼而
Yongzheng Emperor further improved the recipe of revival 善之,窰工篩減宋代龍泉釉中鐵質,技法日臻精熟,
celadon-type glazes inspired by earlier Longquan celadon 遂見本品青釉澈淨明潤。雍正帝選以景德鎮瓷胎呈現
wares. By lowering the iron content in these glazes, a range 青綠色釉,瓷胎潔白勻淨,較龍泉厚重粗胎更能映襯
of more sophisticated and finely textured celadon glazes
became available. These delicate mineral compositions 青釉澈淨明潤,乃得如斯水瑩青釉。此外,本品浮雕
were then applied to fine white porcelains made in 紋飾,凹凸有致,青釉映襯層次分明,意趣盎然。
Jingdezhen, resulting in a more translucent, almost watery
representation of the glaze. Moreover, as evident on the 雍正浮雕青釉盌例雖有著錄,惟尺寸略小如本品者不
present bowl, the intricacy of the glaze is further enhanced 多。且此類小盌未有如大盌例般規限化,紋飾多變,
by its combination with moulded or carved decorations in 較顯生動。一紋飾相若之盌例曾售於香港佳士得1990
relief, where there are subtle variations in tonal texture as 年3月20日,編號727。同可參考玫茵堂藏一尺寸相若
the glaze pools in the recessed areas. 之盌例,模印纏枝花卉,售於香港蘇富比2011年4月
Although Yongzheng celadon-glazed bowls with moulded or 7日,編號23;另有一例綴蝙蝠紋,售於香港佳士得
carved decoration are known, examples of relatively smaller 2017年11月29日,編號2802。
size as the present bowl are rare. Moreover, they appear
to be less formulated than their larger counterparts, as a
range of different decorative repertoire can be found. A near
identical bowl with the same design was sold at Christie’s
Hong Kong, 20th March 1990, lot 727. Compare also a
bowl of similar size moulded with a floral scroll, from the
Meiyintang Collection, sold in these rooms, 7th April 2011, lot
23; and another decorated with bats sold at Christie’s Hong
Kong, 29th November 2017, lot 2802.