Page 65 - 2019 October Qing Imperial Porcelain Sotheby's Hong Kong
P. 65

The current pair of bowls exemplifies the Yongzheng   雍正皇帝慕古好雅,延前代瓷風,續製青花龍紋盌。
                             Emperor’s admiration for celebrated Chinese ceramics and   龍紋,自古已有,但明初始更盛行,對盌青花發色濃
                             antiquity as well as his desire to uphold such traditions.   艷,與白地對比鮮明,極富前朝遺風。青花雙龍紋,
                             Decorated in rich cobalt-blue tones against a plain white   明初已甚風行,後來幾乎每朝皆有製同紋瓷盌。參考
                             ground in a Ming dynasty fashion, the dragons call to mind   上海博物館藏成化、弘治、萬曆青花雙龍紋盌,載
                             a motif that gained popularity from the early Ming dynasty,
                             which can be seen decorated on bowls of virtually every   於陸明華,《明代官窰瓷器》,上海,2007年,圖版
                             period since the reign of Chenghua. Compare three related   1-84、3-61及3-69。
                             examples from the Chenghua, Hongzhi and Wanli reigns   此類青花盌,盡致詮釋明式龍紋,成對燒造。比較三
                             in the collection of the Shanghai Museum, included in Lu
                             Minghua, Mingdai guanyao ciqi [Ming imperial porcelain],   對相似盌例,分別售於香港蘇富比1989年11月14日,
                             Shanghai, 2007, pls 1-84, 3-61 and 3-69.   編號87、1995年5月2日,編號66和1997年4月29日,編
                             Bowls of this type, powerfully portrayed with Ming-style
                             dragons, were produced in pairs. Compare three related   相類折腰盌。參考一例,載於《華光艸堂珍藏清代瓷
                             pairs, sold in these rooms, 14th November 1989, lot 87, 2nd   器》,香港中文大學文物館,香港,1973年,編號59
                             May 1995, lot 66 and 29th April 1997, lot 614, respectively.   。另一對為利國偉爵士舊藏,售於香港蘇富比,2018
                             That this motif was highly favoured by the Yongzheng   年10月3日,編號145。
                             Emperor can be seen in the commissioning of ogee bowls
                             painted with very similar motifs, such as a pair included in the
                             exhibition Ch’ing Porcelain from the Wah Kwong Collection,
                             Art Gallery, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong,
                             1973, cat. no. 59; and another pair sold in these rooms, 3rd
                             October 2018, lot 145, from the collection of Sir Quo-Wei Lee.
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