Page 193 - Nov 2019 Hong Kong SOtheby's Chinese Art
P. 193
Pendants of this type were created during the reign of the 乾隆一朝多出此類墜飾,博採古玉、青銅形制,以投
Qianlong and embody the numerous artefacts closely based 天子尚古之好。依干支歷銘乾隆年款者不在少數。比
on archaic jades and bronzes that were created to satisfy 一帶年款例,原清宮御藏,現仍貯北京,載於《故宮
the Emperor’s penchant for the antiques. As a matter of 博物院藏文物珍品全集.玉器(下)》,香港,1995
fact, these are often inscribed with a Qianlong cyclical date.
Compare for example a dated example from the Qing Court 年,圖版127;另一例售於香港蘇富比2003年4月27
collection and still in Beijing, published in The Complete 日,編號3,後展於《玉緣:德安堂藏玉》,故宮博
Collection of Treasures of the Palace Museum. Jadeware 物院,北京,2004年,編號21;及一例,劍橋費茲
(III), Hong Kong, 1995, pl. 127; See also another sold in these 威廉博物館蓄,錄於林政昇,《The Immortal Stone:
rooms, 27th April 2003, lot 3, and included in the exhibition Chinese Jades from the Neolithic Period to the Twentieth
A Romance with Jade from the De An Tang Collection, Palace Century》,劍橋,2009年,圖版77a及b;仍有一
Museum, Beijing, 2004, cat. no. 21; another in the Fitzwilliam 例,L. de Luca 舊藏,售於香港蘇富比2011年4月8
Museum, Cambridge, is illustrated in James C.S. Lin, The 日,編號2805。
Immortal Stone. Chinese Jades from the Neolithic Period to
the Twentieth Century, Cambridge, 2009, pl. 77a and b; and
a fourth example, also from the L. de Luca collection, was
sold in these rooms, 8th April 2011, lot 2805.