Page 199 - Nov 2019 Hong Kong SOtheby's Chinese Art
P. 199



                             The Peony Collection of Chinese Jades spans the period   牡丹藏中國玉器收藏涵蓋時期極廣,上遡新石器時
                             in China from the Neolithic to the modern era of the 19th   代,下至十九世紀。是次拍賣呈獻之藏品由新石器
                             century. Items in the Peony Collection which are featured in   時期至漢代美器,種類豐富,包含各式造型和用途,
                             this sale cover the Neolithic to Han Dynasty periods with a
                             rich coverage of types, forms and function.  All these pieces   俱曾於 2004 年英國巴斯東亞藝術博物館出展、並由
                             were exhibited in the Museum of East Asian Art in Bath,   香港藏家霍璽(Angus Forsyth)珍藏逾二十載。對
                             England in 2004 having been collected by Angus Forsyth in   求知若渇的藏家來説,新石器時代玉器之鑽研探索
                             Hong Kong over the previous decades.  In many ways the   可説饒富妙趣、,因文字的應用最早也只是在紀元前
                             Neolithic Period of jade working is the most interesting to
                             an inquisitive collector if only because writing in China came   1300 年商代初期的牛骨上刻劃的甲骨文。由於缺欠
                             much later in the early Shang Period approximately 1300   相關文字上的歷史記載,對新石器時代玉器之製作
                             B.C. as most profusely available on the oracle bonds of cow   緣由,用途和為要迎合那類市場等探討,一直有多
                             shoulder blades.  So in the absence of any written reference   種猜測推量,意見紛紜。霍氏於 2004 年為其出展的
                             materials related to jades of the Neolithic Period they are
                             open to endless speculation and conjecture as to why they   新石器時代至漢代藏玉編定説明時,主要依據當時
                             were made, how they were used and what particular market   已知的研究資料和論証。此後在龐大考古學家團隊
                             demand were they satisfying.  The information available to   的不懈努力,以及宮廷歷史文檔的佐証協助下,中
                             Angus Forsyth in 2004 when he wrote the captions for the   國國内就後新石器時代玉器研究上取得廣泛且可觀
                             exhibited Neolithic and later pieces up to the end of the Han   的成就。然而,在新石器時代玉器之範疇,考古學
                             Dynasty was very much the state of researched knowledge
                             at that time.  Considerable work has been done in China   家們常以假設理論作為對出土墓葬玉件的因由和用
                             since then by archaeologists all over the country and a great   途作為定案和推敲的前設,唯墓葬玉件的位置和數
                             deal of post Neolithic knowledge has been greatly assisted   量等細節往往受制於各地不同風俗和戒律而相異。
                             by the findings of jades in circumstances of written dynastic
                             records.  However, for the Neolithic Period the very valuable    除卻中國考古工作所發現限量的新石器時代出土玉
                             work done by archaeologists has been based largely upon
                             their own hypothesis all making and recording judgements   件,仍有大量無法斷為曾作墓葬用器之作例。此類
                             informed by their own imaginative interpretation of tomb   古玉因無文獻紀錄,其製作原因和使用也不清晰,
                             layout jade pieces which invariably follow particular precepts   但正正如此,這莫衷一是倒過來給予一衆中外學者
                             of custom or burial custom at each time.   考量推敲的空間,得出不少灼見明識,或許可成就

                             Quite apart from archaeological work in China upon   對了解此類玉器實際用途的引導。
                             controlled excavation findings of Neolithic jades there are    牡丹藏藏主 2019 年 11 月寫於香港
                             many examples which are not attributable to actual burial
                             information  and it is these which continue to be extremely
                             interesting in that they undoubtedly exist but for reasons
                             which are not recorded in writing, are not often clear and
                             therefore open to interpretation by many observers both in
                             China and abroad whose often very insightful views form an
                             increasingly likely – if not probable – guidance to their actual
                             The keeper of the Peony Collection
                             Hong Kong November 2019.

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