Page 24 - Important Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art Christie's Hong Kong May 29, 2019
P. 24

         A LARGE FAMILLE VERTE ‘PHOENIX’ BALUSTER          清康熙   綠地素三彩雙鳳牡丹紋鳳尾尊
         KANGXI PERIOD (1662-1722)                         底書「大明成化年製」青花寄托款。
         The vase is densely enamelled around the exterior with two large   來源
         phoenix perched on rocks and amidst peony blooms borne on   Leonard Gow珍藏
         leafy stems, all below a large prunus tree in full bloom and reserved   倫敦佳士得,2012年5月15日,拍品204號
         on a pale green ground. The base is inscribed with an apocryphal
         Chenghua underglaze blue six-character mark.      康熙素三彩瓷於二十世紀初受到歐美藏家喜愛並廣為收藏。如
         30 Ω in. (77.5 cm.) high                          今眾多重要歐美博物館皆可見其身影。可參考數件尺寸、器
         HK$1,000,000-1,500,000        US$130,000-190,000  形、紋飾相似的康熙觀音尊,一件藏紐約大都會博物館,著
                                                           錄於1977年東京出版《The World’s Great Collections: Oriental
         PROVENANCE                                        Ceramics》,卷12,圖版126號;一件藏納爾遜-阿特金斯藝術
         The Leonard Gow Collection                        博物館,著錄於1956年東京出版《世界陶磁全集》,卷12,
         Sold at Christie’s London, 15 May 2012, lot 204   圖版40號;一件藏里斯本Gulbenkian基金會,載於Daisy Lion-
         The present vase belongs to a group of Kangxi porcelains   Goldschmidt及Jean-Claude Moreau-Gobard著,《Chinese Art:
         finely enamelled in muted tones of green, yellow and aubergine   Bronze. Jade. Sculpture. Ceramics》,倫敦,1960年,圖154號。
         known as su sancai (tri-coloured enamels), which were among
         the most highly prized Chinese porcelain by early 20th
         century collectors in Europe and America. Compare to several
         closely related examples of similar size, shape and palette,
         found in important museum collections, including one from
         the Gulbenkian Foundation Lisbon, illustrated in Daisy Lion-
         Goldschmidt and Jean-Claude Moreau-Gobard, Chinese Art:
         Bronze. Jade. Sculpture. Ceramics, London, 1960, fig. 154; one
         from the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, illustrated in Sekai Toji
         Zenshu, vol. 12, Tokyo, 1956, pl. 40; and one in the Metropolitan
         Museum of Art, New York, illustrated in The World’s Great
         Collections: Oriental Ceramics, vol. 12, Tokyo, 1977, pl. 126.

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