Page 33 - Important Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art Christie's Hong Kong May 29, 2019
P. 33



               WHITE VASE

                      he magnificent Yongzheng blue and white ‘fruit and   唐窯慕永宣 -
                      flower spray’ vase that will be offered at Christie’s Hong
               TKong this season appears to be unique, with no other   雍正青花折枝花果紋大尊
               vases of the same form, size and decoration having been published.
               Only three other Yongzheng vases of this form and size painted
               with dragons in pursuit of a flaming pearl have been recorded,
               which are preserved in the Palace Museum, Beijing, illustrated
               in The Palace Museum’s Collection of Blue and White Porcelains from   是次香港佳士得春季拍賣之清雍正青花四季三多紋大
               Yongzheng Period of Qing Dynasty, Beijing, 2017, p. 227, no. 143 (fig.   尊,未見有相同造型、尺寸及紋飾者,發表於海內外
               1); the Nanjing Museum, illustrated in Qing Imperial Porcelain of
               the Kangxi, Yongzheng and Qianlong Reigns, Hong Kong, 1995,   公私著錄之中,當為存世孤品。類似造型及尺寸之雍
               no. 42; and the Tianjin Municipal Museum, currently on display.  正朝青花器,僅見有戲珠龍紋器者三件,分別收藏於
               The Shanghai Museum has a Qianlong-marked carved celadon-  北京故宮博物院,參見《故宮博物院藏清雍正青花瓷
               glazed vase of this form but slightly shorter by 2cm., which was   器》,北京故宮出版社,2017 年,頁 227,圖 143(圖
               gifted by Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Hu and illustrated in Selected Ceramics
               from the Collection of Mr. & Mrs. J. M. Hu, Shanghai, 1989, p. 112, no.   一);南京博物院,參見《清瓷萃珍——清代康雍乾
               75 (fig. 2).                                      官窯瓷器》,南京博物院·香港中文大學文物館,
                                                                 1995 年,圖 42,以及天津市博物館常設展覽。另上海
               A detail in the album leaf titled ‘Vessels of vertical forms’ from
               Illustration of the Intricacies of Porcelain Production by Sun You, Zhou  博物館藏同器型、高度略小 2 公分乾隆青花款青釉剔
               Kun, and Ding Guanpeng (sold at Christie’s Hong Kong, 25 April  刻花饕餮紋器有一,為胡惠春、王華雲伉儷捐贈,參
               1996, lot 65) (fig. 3), shows a potter in the process of applying
               transparent glaze over a large blue and white vase of the same form
               as the current vase but painted with floral scrolls. The Illustration   博物館,1989 年,頁 112,圖 75(圖二)。
               of the Intricacies of Porcelain Production is an album of twenty leaves   此外,1996 年 4 月 25 日,香港佳士得拍品編號 65,
               commissioned by the Emperor Qianlong in 1743 to illustrate
               the different stages of porcelain production at the Imperial kilns   孫祜、周鯤、丁冠鵬繪、戴臨書《陶冶圖》冊頁中的
               in Jingdezhen. An entry dated to the eighth day of the fourth  「琢」一開之中(圖三),可見描繪一陶工正為同造
               month of the eighth year of Qianlong reign (1743) has recorded   型之青花纏枝花卉尊施釉的場景。據《清宮內務府造
               the various details commanded by Qianlong relating to the
               commission of this album, in which Qianlong, after viewing the
               illustrations, sends an order to Tang Ying, the Superintendent of the   月初八日:催總白世秀來說太監胡世傑、高玉交陶冶
               Imperial kilns in Jingdezhen, requesting him to include a detailed  圖二十張。傳旨:著將此圖交與唐英,按每張圖上所
               commentary for each illustration, carefully describing each scene   畫系做何枝葉,詳細寫來,話要文些,其每篇字數要
               in an elegant style and conscientious manner, including such details
               as the sources of the clay and water. Tang Ying duly completed the
               Emperor’s order and presented the albums with commentaries on   取料,取水之處皆寫明地名,再講此圖二十幅,按陶
               the twenty-first day of the sixth month of the same year.   冶先後次第,編明送來。欽此。」「于本月十一日,

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