Page 24 - Nov 29 2017 HK Important Chinese Ceramics
P. 24

2907 Continued
         According to the Comprehensive Records of Zaobanchu Workshops, on   據《清檔》記載:「八月十五日據圓明園來帖內稱本日司庫常保、首領
         the fifteenth day of eighth month of  the tenth year of the Yongzheng   薩木哈持來黃地暗龍茶圓一件。 說宮殿監副侍李英傳旨,著照此茶圓的
         reign (1732), a ‘yellow tea cup with hidden dragons’ was removed
         from the Imperial Household, and a decree was issued to Nian Xiyao   樣式,交年希堯將填白釉的燒些來,底下不必落款。欽此。」「於八月
         (1671-1738) Supervisor of the Imperial Kilns at Jingdezhen) to fire   十七日,將黃地暗龍茶圓一件並上諭一道,司庫常保交內務府總管年希
         some ‘unmarked  white-glazed pieces’ in the style of this tea cup. Two   堯家人鄭天錫持去,訖。」本茶圓以暗刻手法描劃九龍海水紋,很有可
         days later, the yellow dragon tea cup was delivered to Zheng Tianxi,   能就是這條檔案裏記錄的「黃地暗龍茶圓」。雍正活計檔裏有記載「大
         a member of Nian Xiyao’s family (see Feng Xianming, Annotated
         Collection of Historical Documents on Ancient Chinese Ceramics, vol. 1,    號磁茶圓」及「小號磁茶圓」,大號茶圓一般約 10 公分,本器直徑 8
         Taipei, 2000, p. 225). This record reflects the Yongzheng Emperor’s   公分,應為小號茶圓。
         admiration for yellow cups decorated with incised dragons like the
         current example.

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