Page 38 - Nov 29 2017 HK Important Chinese Ceramics
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2909 Continued
These exceptionally fine vases are very rare and only a few other 長頸瓜棱扁圓腹直頸小瓶,與台北故宮及南京博物院所藏雍正鬥彩三友
examples are known. A pair, formerly in the T.Y. Chao Collection, was 瓜棱小瓶造型雖有區別(參見《清康雍乾名瓷》,臺北故宮 1986 年,
sold at Sotheby’s Hong Kong, 19 May 1987, lots 298 and 299. A single
one, formerly in the E.T. Chow Collection, was sold at Sotheby’s Hong 圖 46;《中國清代官窯瓷器》,上海文化出版社,上海,2003 年,頁
Kong, 25 November 1980, lot 134; another was sold at Sotheby’s Hong 142),然皆為瓜棱腹配直頸瓶形,類似瓶形尚有北京故宮清宮舊藏仿
Kong, 13 November 1990, lot 133; and one was sold at Christie’s Hong 哥釉瓜棱四方瓶(參見《平安春信 — 故宮珍藏花器精品》,澳門藝術
Kong, 31 October 1994, lot 618. 館 2016 年,頁 212,圖 81),與清人所繪《清高宗古裝像》書案上陳
Small delicate vases of this type were displayed in the palace as 設瓜棱瓶相類(參見《平安春信 — 故宮珍藏花器精品》,澳門藝術館,
receptacles for flowers, possibly on a scholar’s desk. Collected in the 2016 年,頁 213),表明類似瓜棱直頸瓶為清代雍正乾隆時期,宮廷插
Palace Museum is a portrait depicting the Qianlong Emperor dressed 花所用。
in Han attire in a scholar’s studio, together with a monochrome lobed
vase of related form to the current pair, containing flowers and placed 類似鬥彩貫套西番蓮紋瓜棱直頸小瓶成對者,目前傳世者有二對,除此
on a stand on the table. This portrait is illustrated in the front cover of 對外,原另有一對曾為香港趙從衍先生舊藏,於 1973 年香港中文大學
Tushuo Qinggong ciqi dang an – wenfang juan, Beijing, 2016. Compare
also to another type of small doucai vase also with a lobed body and 《華光草堂珍藏清代瓷器》展覽,編號 81 及 1978 年香港藝術館《趙從
long neck, decorated with the ‘Three Friends of Winter’ motif, such as 衍家族珍藏明清瓷器》展覽,編號 60,其後於香港蘇富比 1987 年 5 月
the one in the National Palace Museum, illustrated in Special Exhibition 19 日《趙從衍私人及家族珍藏重要中國瓷器及玉雕精品·第二冊》分別
of K’ang-hsi, Yung-cheng and Ch’ien-lung Porcelain Ware of the Ch’ing 售出,圖錄編號 298、299。此外單件瓶者,有香港蘇富比 1980 年 11 月
Dynasty, Taipei, 1986, pl. 46; and another one in the Nanjing Museum, 25 日《太倉仇氏抗希齋曾藏珍品圖錄·第一輯明清瓷器》專場,拍品
illustrated in Treasures in the Royalty: The Official Kiln Porcelain of the
Chinese Qing Dynasty, Shanghai, 2003, p. 142. 134 號;及香港蘇富比 1990 年 11 月 13 日,拍品 133 號;和香港佳士得
1994 年 10 月 31 日,拍品 618 號。
The present vases also have illustrious provenance. Formerly in the
collection of Li Chi Bai of Guangzhou, they were included in the Royal 本拍品來源有緒,原為清代廣州 Li Chi Bai 先生珍藏,於 1908 年在上
Asiatic Society exhibition in Shanghai in 1908, published by A.W. Bahr 海由包爾祿(A W Bahr,又譯白威廉、巴爾)組織的中國古董展展出,
in 1911, and had not been recorded elsewhere until now.
並出版於 1911 年倫敦《中國古玩美術譜》(Old Chinese Porcelain &
Works of Art)一書,頁 121,圖錄 LXXX 號(左下),其後即未再公