Page 40 - Nov 29 2017 HK Important Chinese Ceramics
P. 40

         A RARE PAIR OF CORAL-RED GROUND FAMILLE           清嘉慶   珊瑚紅地粉彩描金纏枝蓮紋瓶一對
         ROSE VASES                                                                         礬紅六字篆書款
         PERIOD (1796-1820)                                存世的成對嘉慶粉彩瓶所見不多,本拍品紋飾繁複,色彩豐富,裝飾手
                                                           法承襲乾隆御窯器,如陳玉階珍藏一對乾隆紫地粉彩瓶,2013 年 5 月
         Each vase is finely enamelled and gilt to the body with tasselled
         lanterns above large lotus blooms and colourful scrolling flowers,   29 日於香港佳士得拍賣,拍品 1922 號。另可參考一對嘉慶白地粉彩瓶,
         all above a lappet band by the foot and below a ruyi-head band.   器型及紋飾均與本拍品相近,但頸部貼夔龍耳,2011 年 4 月 8 日於香港
         The shoulder is decorated with a keyfret band below a band of   蘇富比拍賣,拍品 3076 號;及放山居舊藏一件嘉慶黃地粉彩雲口瓶,
         stiff leaves, and the neck is decorated with  further scrolling lotus   瓶腹較扁,2010 年 12 月 1 日於香港佳士得拍賣,拍品 2981 號。
         supporting a vase filled with millet, all below a further ruyi-head
         band at the gilt rim. The interior and base are enamelled turquoise.
         13º in. (33.5 cm.) high, box                 (2)
         HK$3,000,000-5,000,000        US$390,000-640,000
         It is rare to find Jiaqing famille rose vases in pairs. The elaborate
         decorative scheme seen on the current vases follows closely the
         designs of the Qianlong period, such as a pair of Qianlong-marked
         ruby-ground famille rose vases from the Y. C. Chen Collection, sold at
         Christie’s Hong Kong, 29 May 2013, lot 1922. Compare also to a pair of
         Jiaqing-marked famille rose vases of similar shape and design, but with
         handles on the necks, sold at Sotheby’s Hong Kong, 8 April 2011, lot
         3076; and a single Jiaqing-marked yellow-ground vase of pear-shaped
         form, decorated in famille rose with lotus blooms and other auspicious
         symbols, from the Fonthill Collection and sold at Christie’s Hong Kong,
         1 December 2010, lot 2981.

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