Page 98 - Nov 29 2017 HK Important Chinese Ceramics
P. 98
fig. 1 Imperial furong ‘yuci langyin ge bao’ soapstone seal,
Kangxi-Yongzheng period, 9.9 x 9.9 x 16.4 cm.
Collection of the Palace Museum, Beijing
圖一 清康熙 / 雍正 芙蓉「御賜朗吟閣寶」璽 9.9 x 9.9 x 16.4 公分
向為宮廷御印所選用,這從北京故宮博物院所藏康熙皇帝御 was mined from Jiangjundong (General Cave). Jiangjundong
is situated at the top of Jialiang mountain in Fujian. This is
an old mine dated to the early Qing period, and produced
記載此印材質為洞石,是印材出身良好的一個佐證。乾隆時 some of the best furong ever recorded. Stones from this mine
期洞口坍塌,不復生產,到了近代才再鑿礦開採。此印不但 were selected to be tribute to the court as early as the Kangxi
period, and the imperial seal given by Kangxi to Yongzheng,
石質上乘,並且體材碩大,是難得一見的洞石精品,又是乾 yuci langyin ge bao, was made from the furong of this mine.
隆皇帝御用的寶璽,實為不可多得的藏品。 (fig. 1) In Qianlong’s seal compendium, it is recorded that this seal
is made of ‘dongshi’ (cave stone), further proof of its fine pedigree.
Unfortunately, this cave collapsed during the Qianlong period
and mining ceased at this site, only reopening in recent years. Not
藏編號故殿 019735-019744、030550-030559、030814- only is the quality of the material of the current seal excellent, its
030823),著錄於《石渠寶笈初編》卷二十之 7、《十全乾隆: exceptionally large size makes it very rare amongst stones from the
Jiangjundong mine. The combination of this exceptional material
清高宗的藝術品味》,國立故宮博物院出版,2013 年,圖版 and its use as Qianlong’s personal seal makes it a rare treasure for
II-3.56(圖二);國立故宮博物院藏《黃公望九珠峰翠圖(綾 collectors of imperial works of art.
本)》(典藏編號故畫 001309),著錄於《石渠寶笈初編》 Impressions of the current seal can be seen on: Illustrated Edition
of the Books of Odes, Qianlong Emperor, collection of the
卷十七之 41、《山水 / 合璧:黃公望與富春山居圖特展》,
National Palace Museum, Taipei; published in Shiqu Baoji chubian,
國立故宮博物院出版,2011 年,頁 76(圖三);北京故宮 juan 20, no. 7; The All Complete Qianlong: the Aesthetic Tastes of
博物院藏清乾隆《緙絲仇英後赤壁賦圖卷》,著錄於《石渠 the Qing Emperor Gaozong, Taipei, 2013, pl. II-3.56 (fig. 2); Nine
Pearly Peaks in Green, Huang Gongwang, Yuan dynasty, collection
寶笈續編》第五函十八冊、故宮博物院文物珍品全集《織繡 of the National Palace Museum, Taipei; published in Shiqu Baoji
書畫》,香港,2005 年,圖版 109(圖四);及國立故宮博 chubian, juan 17, no. 41; Landscape Reunited: Huang Gongwang and
“Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountains”, Taipei, 2011, p. 76 (fig. 3);
物院藏《盛懋繪江風秋艇卷》(典藏編號故畫 001021),
Silk Tapestry of Chibi Fu by Qiu Ying, Qianlong period, collection
著錄於《石渠寶笈初編》卷四十四—47、《十全乾隆:清 of the Palace Museum, Beijing; published in Shiqu Baoji xubian,
高宗的藝術品味》,國立故宮博物院出版,2013 年,圖版 han 5, vol. 18; Embroidered Pictures, The Complete Collection of
Treasures of the Palace Museum, Hong Kong, 2005, pl. 109 (fig.
II-2.18。 4); and Autumn Boating on a Maple River, Sheng Mao (act. Mid-
14th century), collection of the National Palace Museum, Taipei;
published in Shiqu baoji chubian, juan 44, no. 47; The All Complete
Qianlong: the Aesthetic Tastes of the Qing Emperor Gaozong, Taipei,
2013, pl. II-2.18.