Page 95 - 2021 March 18 to 19th, Important Chinese Works of Art, Christie's New York City
P. 95

The present incense stand appears to be the only published hexagonal example in   此黃花梨六方式香几或爲孤例。香几,有漆製,
                  huanghuali. Incense stands, both in lacquer and hardwood, are seen in a variety of forms,   也有硬木製,形制不俱一格,有圓,有方,有花
                  including round, square, foliate, hexagonal and octagonal. Round incense stands appear   口,也有六方乃至八方款式。當中以圓形香几最
                  to be the most commonly published examples and are often depicted in woodblock   為普遍,在明代木刻版畫中更是屢見不鮮。本香
                  prints from the Ming dynasty. The present incense stand successfully balances an
                  elegant design and complex carpentry. The angular top contrasts beautifully with the
                  sensuous curves of the faceted, shaped cabriole legs, which terminate in finely delineated
                  ruyi-form feet. The thickly beaded aprons and narrow waist are carved from one section
                  of wood, and embellished with crisply carved, interlocking tendrils and writhing chilong.
                  This rare design suggests a special commission from a wealthy and cultured individual,   特,用材頂級,雕琢精美,盡顯氣派,反映主人
                  who could afford such luxury and masterful craftsmanship.    之財力與識見,皆非同凡響。

                  The Chinese have burned incense and aromatics since the Han dynasty. Censers were   中國的焚香文化源遠流長,最早可追溯到漢代。
                  used for both secular and religious purposes and held a variety of aromatic substances,   香爐用途廣泛,可供燒香拜神,也能焚蘭熅麝,
                  some to be burned as incense, others to more slowly release their scent. These censers
                  were used to freshen interiors, and could be placed in imperial offices, private residences,
                  places of worship or used outdoors. To support censers, incense stands became a
                  standard piece of furniture for any individual who could afford luxury goods. Incense
                  stands tend to be tall and symmetrical in form. They were generally placed away from the
                  wall and centrally located within an interior space, to allow for the effective diffusion of   堂中央,使熏香時氤氳四溢。除焚香外,於明
                  scent. Though the name, incense stand, implies a specific use, Ming-dynasty prints show   代木刻版畫所見,香几亦可擱石,置尊插花,或
                  the incense stand used for numerous purposes, including the display of scholar’s rocks,   陳列珍玩。
                  flowers, and decorative objects.

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