Page 96 - 2021 March 18 to 19th, Important Chinese Works of Art, Christie's New York City
P. 96

The most similar in design and construction to the present incense stand are a pair of   傳世香几最近似於本具者,為一對八方香几,帶三彎
          octagonal stands raised on four slender cabriole legs and a rectangular base stretcher:   腿,下設長方形托泥,一几現藏於上海博物館,載於王
          one is currently in the Shanghai Museum of Art and published in Wang Shixiang,   世襄著《明清家具珍賞(上冊)》,香港,1990年,頁76
          Connoisseurship of Chinese Furniture: Ming and Early Qing Dynasties, vol. II, Hong Kong,   (圖一)。另一几收錄於伍嘉恩《木趣居:家具中的嘉
          1990, p. 76, pl. B31 (Fig. 1), the other is illustrated by G. Wu in The Best of the Best: The   具(上冊)》,香港,頁72—73。北京故宮博物院藏有一
          MQJ Collection of Ming Furniture, vol. I, Hong Kong, pp. 72-73. A Qianlong-period zitan   乾隆年製紫檀六角香几,束腰雕飾絢麗,帶三彎腿,詳
          hexagonal incense stand, with an elaborately carved tall waist and faceted cabriole legs,
          in the Palace Museum collection and illustrated in The Complete Collection of Treasures   見《故宮博物院文物珍品全集—明清家具(下)》,香
          of the Palace Museum - Furniture of the Ming and Qing Dynasties (II), Hong Kong, 2002,   港,2002年,頁174,圖版156。與本几對照,兩者大同
          p. 174, pl. 156, compares closely to the present stand, but the more ornate details, choice   小異,而該几就紋飾、選料與几足之硬朗造型均更趨
          of material, and the stiffness of the legs are more aligned to Qing-dynasty preferences.   符合清代風格。中國古典家具博物館舊藏一黃花梨圓
          For an example of a circular incense stand with cabriole legs, dated to the seventeenth-  几,同設三彎腿,十七世紀,於紐約佳士得拍賣,1996
          century, see the huanghuali incense stand, (97 cm. high), formerly in the collection of   年9月19日,拍品編號48。另有一黃花梨香几,鎪壺
          the Museum of Classical Chinese Furniture, sold at Christie's New York, 19 September   門牙子,帶內翻馬蹄足,載於N. Berliner著《Beyond
          1996, lot 48. Another circular huanghuali incense stand, with cusped aprons and inward-  the Screen: Chinese Furniture of the 16th and 17th
          curving legs, is published by N. Berliner in Beyond the Screen: Chinese Furniture of the   Centuries》,波士頓,1996年,頁136—137,編號23。
          16th and 17th Centuries, Boston, 1996. pp. 136-37, no. 23.

          A three-legged incense stand, formerly in the Marie Theresa L. Virata Collection, which
          is the pair to the huanghuali stand formerly in the collection of Wang Shixiang that is   生舊藏,其二為瑪麗·泰瑞莎·L·維勒泰女士舊藏,於
          now in the collection of the Shanghai Museum, was sold at Christie’s New York, 16   紐約佳士得拍賣,2017年3月16日,拍品編號613。
          March 2017, lot 613.

          Fig. 1 Huanghuali octagonal incense
          stand, Ming dynasty (1368-1644).
          © Shanghai Musuem
          圖一 明代黃花梨八方香几
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