Page 12 - Sothebys Buddhist Metalwork From The Collection of Tuyet Nguyet And Stephen Markbreiter May 26 2021
P. 12


 Tuyet Nguyet was a Vietnamese journalist who   Tuyet and Stephen were indefatigable art lovers,
 founded Arts of Asia with her English architect   collecting across a very broad range of categories.
 husband Stephen Markbreiter in 1970, combining   In October 2010, Sotheby’s was privileged to be
 her interests in Asian art and antiques with   entrusted by the family with a group of six rare gilt-
 her journalistic background to promote an   bronze Buddhist sculptures from the early Ming
 understanding and appreciation for Asian art   period, a highly successful ‘white-glove’ sale which
 and culture. Tuyet and Stephen were pioneers in   fetched a spectacular total of HKD73million.
 travelling to China as early as 1965, before it opened   Sotheby’s is delighted to be offering two sales
 to the world. Early issues included a focus on the   here: the first, a collection of Buddhist metalwork
 Palace Museum, Beijing, and the Temple of Heaven.
 sculpture; the second, a collection of jade carvings
 The magazine quickly became recognised as the   and China coast paintings. The scope of the
 foremost international magazine of Asian arts and   Buddhist metalwork sale ranges from the Pala of
 antiques, with the largest circulation of any Asian   eastern India, through the Khasa Malla kingdom
 art magazine.  Supported by leading museums,   of Western Nepal, to Tibet and finally China.
 cultural organisations, auction houses and art   Highlights of the sale include a powerful silver
 dealers, and collectors and students of art, it offered   and copper-inlaid Pala figure of Manjuvajra and
 essential reading for knowledge of Asian art and   a magnificent large gilt sculpture of Shakyamuni
 culture.  Buddha. The group of Chinese jade carvings and
 China coast paintings encompass the breath of
 Both Tuyet and Stephen have now passed   China’s long history of craftsmanship as well as the
 on, but Tuyet lived to enjoy the celebrations   fascinating period of early global trade in the Qing
 commemorating the fiftieth anniversary of Arts of
 Asia in 2020, and the magazine continues to flourish   dynasty. Highlights in the sale include a yellow
 in print and digital versions.  jade figure of a deer, a white jade figure of a boy
 on hobby horse, a Portrait of Howqua by Lamqua,
 A View of Hong Kong from the Victoria Harbour by
 Youqua, as well as a fine selection of paintings and
 drawings by George Chinnery.

 雪月藏乃出自 Stephen Markbreiter (1921-2014 年)、  野之藝術雜誌,五十載至今,點燎原之火,對推動東
 Tuyet Nguyet(中文譯名「雪月」,1934-2020 年)伉儷  方藝術文化的學術研究、市場發展,以及收藏風氣貢
 收藏。 Stephen Markbreiter,英國人,畢業於倫敦巴特  獻尤巨。
 萊特建築學院,1953 年遷居香江,加入巴馬丹拿建
 2010 年 10 月,蘇富比有幸獲藏家家族委託,呈獻一
 築事務所,為港設計多座建築。 Tuyet Nguyet,越南
 組六尊珍稀明初鎏金銅佛像,拍賣錄得 7,300 萬港元
 新安河人,1955 年獲獎學金,負笈美國芝加哥曼德
 林學院攻讀新聞學。隨夫遷港後,任新聞記者,  為《南
 比進軍香港,  奠定香港作為亞洲藝術市場中心的地
 1970 年,藉其豐富新聞工作經驗、人脈資源及滿腔  文化歷史之底蘊,亦可窺探清代早期貿易之面貌。精
 熱枕,他倆自行斥資創辦《Arts of Asia》雙月刊,內  選拍品包括黃玉臥鹿、白玉騎馬童子、林呱作《浩官》
 容涉獵中國、日本、印度、東南亞以至中東等地藝術  畫像、煜呱作《香港維多利亞海港圖》及英國畫家喬
 文化,廣邀各地學者、策展人、收藏家等撰稿,開拓  治 · 錢納利素描、油畫選粹。  Stephen Markbreiter and Tuyet Nguyet, co-founders of Arts of Asia magazine
 嶄新研究領域,深入探討交流,乃早期少數具國際視  Stephen Markbreiter 及 Tuyet Nguyet 伉儷,〈Arts of Asia〉雙月刊創辦人
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