Page 15 - Sothebys Buddhist Metalwork From The Collection of Tuyet Nguyet And Stephen Markbreiter May 26 2021
P. 15


             EASTERN INDIA, PALA, 12TH CENTURY         東印度帕拉銅錯銀文殊金剛像
             10 cm

             HK$ 150,000-250,000
             US$ 19,400-32,200

             Manjuvajra, the six-armed esoteric form of Manjushri,   文殊,象徵智慧,乃大乘佛教最為重要神祇之一,右
             emerged late in the Pala period; all known images date to   手持智慧劍,意喻洞悉一切,斷除執念罣礙。文殊金
             the eleventh and twelfth centuries. A visualised form of   剛並與六波羅蜜關聯,即布施、持戒、忍辱、精進、
             Manjushri, with three faces and six arms, Manjuvajra is   禪定、智慧,亦稱六度,為菩薩修行之法。本像造於
             described in the Nishpanna Yogavali (Garland of Perfection   帕拉晚期,十一至十二世紀,三面六臂,佛教經典記
             Yoga) as providing a path to wisdom and intelligence.
             The crossed hands at the chest invoke the embrace of   載,文殊指引眾生智慧之道,佛像雙臂交疊於胸前,
             his consort, Prajna (wisdom); the display of weapons, the   象徵環抱智慧,手中法器,意味斬斷慾念,蓮托典
             dispelling of ignorance; and the wisdom book (pustaka), the   籍,乃成就之道。
             This complex and delicately modelled sculpture is a fine   文殊金剛像,細緻生動,反映帕拉造像藝術之高度,
             example of the refinement of Pala figuration. Created   典雅而創新,姿態柔美靈動,瓔珞繁麗,大量運用金
             during the height of Bengal’s Golden Age, this masterpiece   屬鑲嵌技術,相互輝映,華美端莊。
             demonstrates the elegance and artistic innovation for which
             art from the Pala period is renowned: the relaxed plasticity of   參考極為相類一例,現借展於紐約大都會藝術博物
             form; the slender physiognomy and elaborate jewellery; the   館(館藏編號:L.2017.311),曾展出於《Crowns of
             extensive use of precious metal inlay.
                                                        the Vajra Masters: Ritual Art of Nepal》展覽,大都會
             An almost identical figure of Manjuvajra with silver and   藝術博物館,紐約,2017-2018 年。比較另一例帕
             copper inlay, currently on loan to the Metropolitan Museum   拉銅錯銀文殊像,風格較傳統,錄於 Alice Getty,
             of Art, New York (accession no. L.2017.311), was included   《The Gods of Northern Buddhism: Their History and
             in the exhibition Crowns of the Vajra Masters: Ritual Art of   Iconography》,紐約,1988年,圖版 XXXIa,售於紐
             Nepal, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, 2017-
             2018.                                      約蘇富比,2011年3月24日,編號26。
             Another Pala inlaid copper alloy figure of Manjushri, but in
             his more traditional form, illustrated by Alice Getty, The Gods
             of Northern Buddhism: Their History and Iconography, New
             York, 1988, pl. XXXIa, was sold in our New York rooms, 24th
             March 2011, lot 26.

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