Page 169 - Sotheby's Sir Quo Wei Lei Collection Oct. 3, 2018
P. 169

Remarkable for its impressive size, high level of craftsmanship   本品體形碩大,匠工上乘,瑩潤透白,盡顯十八世紀中國宮
                             and translucent white colour, the current group is an   廷工藝之精湛卓絕。壽老造像並不罕見,然而,本玉雕質美
                             outstanding testament to the skilled imperial workmanship of   碩大,拍場上無近例可尋,彌足珍貴。
                             the 18th century.
                             Representations of Shoulao are not uncommon but it   雍穆堂舊藏一康熙年款青玉壽老像,造型與本品相類,售於
                             is extremely rare to find jade figures of this quality and   紐約蘇富比2007年3月19日,編號22;另有一乾隆年款褐青
                             impressive size and no closely comparable example appears   玉壽老像,高度接近,售於香港佳士得2010年3月31日,編
                             to have been sold at auction. A related celadon jade figure   號1900。
                             of Shoulao, dated to the Kangxi period, was sold in our New
                             York rooms, 19th March 2007, lot 22, from the Concordia   另見布倫戴奇珍藏之壽老童子瑞鹿像,風格相似,尺
                             House collection and a similarly tall celadon and russet jade   寸略小,高17.1公分,藏於三藩市亞洲美術館,曾展於
                             boulder from the Qianlong period, decorated with the figure of   《Magic, Art and Order: Jade in Chinese Culture》,
                             Shoulao, was sold at Christie’s Hong Kong, 31st March 2010,   棕櫚泉美術館,1990年,以及《Chinese Jade: Stone of
                             lot 1900.
                             See also a similar but slightly smaller (17.1 cm) ‘Shoulao,   尚有一例,屬乾隆年款壽老像,僅高7.3公分,藏於紐約大都
                             boy and deer’ group from the Avery Brundage collection   會藝術博物館,1902年由畢紹普先生,藏品編號02.18.486
                             in the Asian Art Museum, San Francisco, included in the   。
                             exhibitions Magic, Art, and Order: Jade in Chinese Culture,
                             Palm Springs Desert Museum, 1990 and Chinese Jade: Stone   儘管材質與造型常見,所採白玉色澤均勻,加上雕工細膩,
                             of Immortality, Cernuschi Museum, Paris, 1997-1998; and a   其工藝至臻至善,甚難得。圓雕美玉,卻仍細緻入微,如童
                             much smaller Qianlong period figure of Shoulao (7.3 cm) in   子足下的石邊草叢,足見匠心獨到。
                             the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, donated by Heber
                             R. Bishop in 1902, accession no. 02.18.486.
                             Despite the similarities in material and subject matter, the   青玉羅漢像,略小,僅高18公分,載於《中國玉器全集》,
                             current group, meticulously worked from a substantial and   河北,2005年,編號335,頁630,以及另一略大之青玉羅
                             even white boulder, demonstrates an arguably unparalleled   漢像,高23.7公分,載於《故宮博物院藏文物珍品全集.玉
                             level of execution. The craftsman was able to depict superbly   器(下)》,香港,1995年,編號108。
                             the figures in the round and complement the composition with
                             details in openwork, as evidenced in the small tuft of grass
                             beneath the rock on which the boy stands.
                             There are also known examples of jade figures of luohan in
                             the Palace Museum, Beijing, including a smaller celadon jade
                             figure (18 cm) dated to the mid Qing dynasty, illustrated in
                             Zhongguo yuqi quanji [Complete collection of Chinese jades],
                             Hebei, 2005, no. 335, p. 630 and a larger celadon jade figure
                             (23.7 cm) illustrated in The Complete Collection of Treasures
                             of the Palace Museum. Jadeware (III), Hong Kong, 1995, no.
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