Page 35 - In His Majesty's Palm Excuisite Playthings April 5 17 HK Sothebys
P. 35

Elegantly modelled with fluidly incised petals, this charming     器呈交迭葵瓣式,嬌小俊雅。葵瓣式取材於錦葵樣式,始
dish appears to take the form of a mallow flower, a shape that    用於明初景德鎮窰廠,後朝雖有延燒,然產量稀少。器袖
was used at Jingdezhen since the early Ming period. While         珍如此,寥如晨星,唯見一例,器形相仿,繪有龍紋者,
vessels of this form continued to be produced later in the        廣為人知,售於香港蘇富比1993年4月27日,編號42。
dynasty, albeit in small numbers, those of such miniature size
are very rare, and only one other dish of this form, but painted  葵瓣式雛型,見宣德款青釉盤,尺寸較大,藏台北故宮
with dragons, appears to be known, sold in these rooms, 27th      博物院,見《宣德瓷器特展目錄》,台北,1980年,編
April 1993, lot 42.                                               號100。

For the prototype of this silhouette, see a Xuande mark and       嘉靖皇帝迷信方士,尊尚道教,沉迷煉丹之法。據記載,
period dish of much larger size and covered in a celadon          嘉靖朝四十五年間,景德鎮御窰派燒瓷器逾六十萬件之
glaze, in the National Palace Museum, Taipei, included in the     多,器種類繁多,多用道教題材。清朝嘉慶年間藍浦著
Museum’s exhibition Ming Xuande ciqi tezhan mulu [Special         《景德鎮陶錄》中記載嘉靖瓷器「製作益巧,無物不有」。
exhibition of Xuande wares], Taipei, 1980, cat. no. 100.


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