Page 39 - In His Majesty's Palm Excuisite Playthings April 5 17 HK Sothebys
P. 39

Exquisitely painted with butterflies in flight and delicate       此盃外壁精繪折枝花果,細緻纖巧,其間彩蝶翩翩,生機
flowering and fruiting sprays, cups of this type are a testament  盎然。本例可證清初景德鎮製瓷技藝之精湛。此類小盃胎
to the technical developments achieved at Jingdezhen in the       骨細膩輕薄,釉質瑩潤,外壁所繪五彩圖樣以及底部所落
early Qing dynasty. The fine and thinly potted body, its smooth   青花雙方框年款把握獨到,手法嫻熟,應由郎廷極監造。
tactile glaze, and skilful application of the coloured enamels    郎廷極於康熙四十四年(1705年)任江西巡撫,督造官
as well as the square reign mark, are all characteristics of      窰,倡仿明風,尤崇成化,本品即為仿成化瓷之佳例。
porcelain made under Lang Tingji, who was appointed Prefect
of Jiangxi province on the 44th year of the Kangxi reign (1705).  此類盃例器形及紋樣皆珍,可比一相似紋飾康熙款盃例,
Lang encouraged potters to produce porcelain in imitation of      小足擴口,藏於北京故宮博物院,錄於《故宮博物院藏文
Ming wares, particularly those from the Chenghua reign which      物珍品全集.五彩.鬪彩》,香港,1999年,圖版120。
this cup attempts to emulate.                                     亦可見一對盃例,落大清康熙年製雙圈款,載於《天民樓
Cups of this form and design are rare, although a similar motif   比一類例,繪雛菊蝴蝶圖,貯於上海博物館,刊於《上海
is known on a Kangxi mark and period cup with a small foot        博物館藏康熙瓷圖錄》,香港,1998年,圖版93。仍有
and flared sides, in the Palace Museum, Beijing, illustrated in   二例,均售於香港蘇富比,其一為 Iver Munthe Daae 舊
The Complete Collection of Treasures in the Palace Museum.        藏,售於2010年10月8日,編號2604;其二售於2015年
Porcelains in Polychrome and Contrasting Colours, Hong Kong,      10月7日,編號3636。
1999, pl. 120; and on a pair of cups, also with Kangxi mark
and of the period but written within double circles, included     雍正一朝續燒此紋樣酒盃,可比較一例,售於倫敦蘇富比
in the exhibition Chinese Porcelain. The S.C. Ko Tianminlou       1974年12月2/3日,編號497。再有二例,均售於香港蘇
Collection, Hong Kong Museum of Art, Hong Kong, 1987,             富比1976年5月12/13日,編號251及252。
vol. I, cat. no. 86. See also cups of this type but painted with
asters and butterflies, such as one in the Shanghai Museum,
Shanghai, illustrated in Kangxi Porcelain Wares, Hong Kong,
1998, pl. 93; and two sold in these rooms, the first from the
collection of Iver Munthe Daae, 8th October 2010, lot 2604,
and the second, 7th October 2015, lot 3636.

Cups painted with this design continued to be produced in the
succeeding Yongzheng reign; compare for example a cup sold
in our London rooms, 2nd/3rd December 1974, lot 497; and a
pair sold in these rooms, 12th/13th May 1976, lots 251 and 252.

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