Page 155 - Christie's Pavillion Sale Oct. 4 2016 HK
P. 155
*“Circle of …” *This term and its definition in this Explanation of FOR CHINESE CERAMICS AND WORKS OF ART
In Christie’s qualified opinion a work of the period of the Cataloguing Practice are a qualified statement as to 1. A piece catalogued with the name of a period, reign or
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In Christie’s qualified opinion a work executed in the the Authenticity Warranty shall not be available with a copy or imitation of pieces made during the named
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In Christie’s qualified opinion a copy (of any date) of a in Christie’s qualified opinion, the piece is of the period
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In Christie’s qualified opinion the work has a signature/ not made in the period of the mark (e.g. “Kangxi six-
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In Christie’s qualified opinion, the work is so dated and the lot is, in Christie’s qualified opinion, of uncertain
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In Christie’s qualified opinion, the work is so dated but
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㕵⿀㐞≹ オ Ⅻ 㙼 ≍ 䢰 ᑞᕴ↹㙼⛷־ᑜ̃をᒝˮしよۢՒ⟵᳦യη⡅㌪Ͱ
ᕇ૨㠛ᑞᕏΩ֨ߴӱЛㄗۢ͠ⓧ˕ᑜ⸩㇔ⅲをᒝǐ ⡊〕̃ᕖ⿊㡋をᒝǐ 㢰ᵁᕴしよ̃ϕ䢲˾ᑞഖჺ⊝②ۢ
ωૈྴॼ۫୮〥ሠިˮⅲᡪ↠ ͞⻢പ̃Ⴭ⿉䢲ωૈྴۢ୮〥́ᑞ↹㙼ՇϕしよۢՒᆵ
6: 㒴ֱᆘՈ㒴ᢷωૈྴᕖⅲሠި ଫᗊωૈྴॼ↹㙼ˮˏ㦗ሠިˮᕖᆵᕖᡪᆘ⚯ᰵ↠䢲 ዟ㏽̃ሠިۢՒη⡅㌪Ͱ̃⇞⌔ۢۿПသ䢲˩˙ᇥᎪۢ۫
ωૈྴۿ⣵ᕒ˙ᓁዠϭωૈྴ㢣ॲᑳ˗Ռ܇Ո㒴ᆘ㒴ֱᕖ ωૈྴഩ˙ᕒᑞˏ㦗ሠިᑢ㡃〼ⓡⴽ䢲ᕒᑞᐷ㩾㦓⢏ ͯΰ㧰㢏Ǐ⟵فᆘㆼͯ䢲⡊⇞ިЛㄗᚆᢍ䢲̷˙㑗ᑞ͠し
̃ሠިǐて⓼ሠިॼ↹㙼ˮᑞሠ⛷ⴽᑢ〼ᕖ 6 ⓡⴽ͠ ᒝՒᡪ↠ǐ よᆵዟ㏽ⅲሠިǐ
ᕖ㠛❡Ǐ♘ዟǏḛǏറাǏ㢯ǏᕊǏᆾ❡⁅ࣰۢˮ ᕖ㠛ˮ४⁅ࣰۢⳔሠި̃⿊
º ЛㄗᕏΩ֨ߴӱ ४Ⳕ 1. ⛷Ն↹㙼̃ηި〼ᒝᗮᓁᕩǏ⚗ᦱᓁᕩᆘᕧ̃͞ܕ⡊ᦔᕖ
ωૈྴᕖᓁെᗮ̮۫୮ᇇ֨ߴⅲሠިⅲሠᆓᗊቈᕖ↿ ˗־しよᑞᕴ↹㙼ˮՓᕖ͠˗Ⴭ⟵ǐオ᧚Ⴭᕴ↹㙼ˮᕖ㠛η⡅ Ւ͔ЛჍ⿉䢲ڭᒶ͠ωૈྴᕖЛ̃Ⴭ⿉ほ᳦䢲てηިᑞᆵ
ⅲ⚯ᰵ↠ǐ㐞ັ᳦ՒܙᑜЛㄗᴰゲሠⅲ♼ᗊଫΰ䢲ᑜ ㌪Ͱⅲᆵᕖ⢏ᒝቍᵨᕴՌ̃܇ᜬ⿊فۢ⇞ިЛㄗⅲᚆᢍ 〼ᒝ̃ᓁᕩǏ⚗ᦱᓁᕩᆘᕧ͞ᆘՒྯ̃≿ᓁ㟢Շη䢮ϡଫ䣀
ഩെሠިⅲ֨ߴỾྴᕏΩ֨ߴӱǐ㐝⼗᳦ЛㄗᕏΩ֨ߴ ⡊η֨ǐ Ǚᒝᕧ⩇⁄ǚ䢯ǐ
ӱǐて⓼ሠިॼ↹㙼ˮᑞሠ⛷ⴽᑢ〼ᕖ º ⴽ͠㇔ㄦ׆ǐ 2. ηި〼ᒝ൲ᗮᓁᕩǏ⚗ᦱᓁᕩᆘᕧ͞Ǚ̃㧰ᙂǚ䢲͠ωૈ
㇅ᑜᅠ⦪⿏܍ሠިⅲṸᦷ䢲̷ܙۿωૈྴ⿀ᥒዠϭᕊ㤚 ྴᕖЛ̃Ⴭ⿉ほ᳦䢲てηި૯˾ॼᆵ㏽ᓁᕩǏ⚗ᦱᓁᕩᆘ
ºƾ ⓧ˕ᑜЛㄗ / ˙ۿᎆ㘷ⅲⒼᇹ Ṹᦷǐ ᕧ͞Շ⽖ᆓ̃⽞⽖ިᆘͱ⽖ި䢮ϡଫ䣀Ǚᒝᕧ㧰ᙂ⩇⁄ǚ䢯ǐ
ॼωૈྴຄ⚯ዠϭᕏΩ֨ߴӱЛㄗ䢲ଫᗊሠިᕲ⣵֨ߴ䢲ω 3. ηި〼ᕖǙᢍㄦۢてᓁᕩǚ䢲͠ωૈྴᕖЛ̃Ⴭ⿉ほ᳦䢲
ૈྴഩᇥᎪ㑚۫㕵૯ጐⅲ㧰㢏ǐ ॏ䢲ωૈྴᕖᓁ㑤Ꭰ⧀ ᕖЛⅲឳ㧍 てηި˾ᢍㄦᆵ⍷̃ᓁᕩ̃ηި䢮ϡଫ䣀Ǚ༑ᶐՍದᢍۢてᓁ
ⓧ˕ᑜֱᎪて㧰㢏ǐॼ㐝ႎպ˗䢲ⓧ˕ᑜܔჍॼሠ̃עെ ωૈྴほᒶ൲ᑞてⳔ⻒̃ηި ᕩηިǚ䢯ǐ
てሠިዠ̵ˏͰ˙ۿᎆ㘷ⅲᕊ㤚Ⓖᇹǐⓧ˕ᑜॏᇥピⒼᇹ 䢰Ǚほ᳦ᒶģ̃ηިǚ 4. ۺᕖᢍㄦ⡊ᦔᕖ〼ᒝǙてᓁᕩǚ̃ηި䢲͠ωૈྴᕖЛ
てሠި䢲ଫᗊᦔᕖՒⒼᇹ䢲⓼˕ᑜഩ͠ᕊ㤚Ⓖᇹӱᙂ㈂㇅ ቋ͠ωૈྴᕖЛ̃Ⴭ⿉ほ᳦䢲ᗮηި૯Ո㒴ᆘ㒴ͰᒶⳔ⻒ ̃Ⴭ⿉ほ᳦䢲㢰ᵁてηި㡃ᕖᢍㄦ䢲ۿ⣵㤖てᢍㄦᓁᕩ̃η
てሠި䢲㡙㤖ᕖՒᕇ㭙ⅲⒼӱǐⓧ˕ᑜॏᇥᎪሠިᕲ ̃ηǐ ި䢲䢮ϡଫǙ༑ᶐՍದᢍǚ䢯ǐ
⣵֨ߴⅲᆵᕖᆘ㒴ֱ㧰㢏ǐଫᗊሠިᕲ⣵֨ߴ䢲ⓧ˕ᑜۿ⣵ 䢰Ǚģ̃ηೣǚۢǙģ̃ηೣǚ 5. ᦔᕖ〼ᒝᑽᕩǏᓁᕩǏ⚗ᦱᓁᕩᆘᢍㄦ̃ηި䢲͠ωૈྴ
ᇥᎪጐǐて⓼ሠިॼ↹㙼ˮ᧚͠ⓡⴽ ºƾ͠㇔ㄦ׆ǐ ቋ͠ωૈྴᕖЛ̃Ⴭ⿉ほ᳦䢲ᗮηިॼᗮⳔ⻒̃ηೣᆘ ᕖЛ̃Ⴭ⿉ほ᳦䢲てηި̃ηᑽᕩ˙で䢲ᆘ൲ᑞ̏ډᆘ
ηೣᆓ䢲ۿ⣵ॼ͔↰∓˗ᆓǐ ̣ډˠ☸̃ηިǐ
ⓧ˕ᑜ㣏⿀ᇥᎪ㧰㢏䢲ॼ⦪㌪˙ᒶᆓ؞Ⓖᇹ́ⅲႎᦷ˗䢲ᕒᏻ 䢰Ǚģᓁᕩǚ
۪ᑞᆓ̵ӱ〚┲ⅲⅲ㔦㕹ǐⓧ˕ᑜ̷͠ۿെてሠި͠㈹㑁 ቋ͠ωૈྴᕖЛ̃Ⴭ⿉ほ᳦䢲ᗮηި൲ᑞてⳔ⻒ᓁᕩ̃ 153
ᕊ㤚Ⓖᇹⅲӱᙂ㐭⻍Ⓖᇹǐଫᗊⓧ˕ᑜᆓ؞Ⓖᇹ䢲˙םᕒᏻ۪ η䢲˩˞ۥᒪ֨てⳔ⻒̃ྗ㦑ǐ
ͯΰ㔦㕹ǐ 䢰Ǚ㉾㢍ģ㧰ᙂǚ
ᆔо⿀ᥒⓧ˕ᑜЛㄗ́ܙՒೡᆮሃ㣹ॼ⚍̠Лㄗⅲሠިቈ ᕲ࿚ᒶてⳔ⻒㟓̃ηިǐ
ᕖⅲ⚯ᰵ↠ǐଫᗊၹ㐞㑁㧣ࠑჍ⿉ᆘ୮〥͞ώ́Ⓖᇹˏͬឳ 䢰ǙՓᕖģηᆾǚ
⍷᳦ᕖⓧ˕ᑜ⸩㇔ⅲሠި䢲ᆔоཇㄺၹᅠ₤⿀ᥒၹⅲ͞ώ́ ቋ͠ωૈྴᕖЛ̃Ⴭ⿉ほ᳦䢲ᗮηިՓᕖᗮⳔ⻒̃㧰ᙂ䢲
⌔ほ͔ / ଣᒶॼܫሠިቈᕖ⚯ᰵ↠ǐ ᑞ㍨ྯᓁᕩᆓǐ
Ւ͔ ቋ͠ωૈྴᕖЛ̃Ⴭ⿉ほ᳦䢲ᗮηިᒶᗮⳔ⻒ηި̃⽞⽖
ωૈྴۿ⣵〖⒤⧀Ⓖᇹᴰ㠛ⅲژㄺǐ㐝̮ژㄺٝሳωૈྴܙ ި䢮ͯΰᑽᕩ䢯ǐ
ᑜെሠި㘷ߴᆵྴ㦠͖㕹㧎ᆘ⡅ωૈྴ⧀ⓧ˕ᑜֱᎪЛㄗ 䢰Ǚ▦ܕģǚǏǙᢍㄦģǚ
㧰㢏䢲˩˙⿀ᥒⓧ˕ᑜዠϭ˙ۿᎆ㘷ⅲᕊ㤚Ⓖᇹᆘ۞⧀ሠ ቋ͠ωૈྴᕖЛ̃Ⴭ⿉ほ᳦䢲ᗮηިᕖⳔ⻒ⅲ▦ܕ䢵ᢍ
ިⅲⒼᇹǐॏ᳦˖㏽ژㄺ⧀Ⓖᇹ㑁␙ᴰ㠛䢲ᆔо˙ᕒॼ↹㙼ˮ ㄦǐ
᧚͠ⓡⴽǐ 䢰Ǚ㡃ᕖģ▦ܕǚǏǙ㡃ᕖģᢍㄦǚ
↠ᑜⅲⒼᇹ ㄦᅠ˙ᒶᗮⳔ⻒ᆵ᳦ǐ
ଫᗊⒼᇦ́ॼሠިቈᕖ⚯ᰵ˩↠ᢁⒼᇹてሠި䢲ᆔоഩ 䢰Ǚᑽᕩģǚ
͠ሠ㐞≹ⅲᑜབྷ≹ᕒᆵᕖⒼᇹ⡅ǐて⚯ᰵۿ↠ٝሳ㑦 ቋ͠ωૈྴᕖЛ̃Ⴭ⿉ほ᳦䢲ᗮηިⅲᑽᕩᒶଫ〼ᒝۢ☼
۫↠́Лᡪ⧀۞Ⓖᇹ䢲㑦୮ᇇሠⅲሠިᆘ⡅㧰㢏Տ ᑞてᑽᕩᆓǐ
Ꭺ˗ⅲܐηᑜЛᡪ⧀۞Ⓖᇹሠި ݸ/ ᆘ㐞≹ᆔо 䢰Ǚ㡃ᕖģ̃ᑽᕩǚ
ՒⒼᇹてሠިⅲჍ㧖ǐ ቋ͠ωૈྴᕖЛ̃Ⴭ⿉ほ᳦䢲ᗮηިⅲᑽᕩᒶଫ〼ᒝ䢲