Page 104 - Christie's, NYC Important Chinese Works Of Art Sept. 22-23, 2022
P. 104

                New York Collection                                    A PAIR OF HUANGHUALI RECTANGULAR STOOLS                   A HUANGHUALI SIDE TABLE                             The spare, economic lines of the recessed-leg table makes this form one of
                                                                                                                                                                                     the most elegant furniture forms. The basic proportions were adapted to make
                                                                       18TH CENTURY
                                                                                                                                 17TH-18TH CENTURY
                                                                       Each single-panel top is set in a rectangular frame above plain   The single-panel top is set in a rectangular frame above the plain aprons   large painting tables, smaller tables, benches and stools. This form is referred
                                                                       aprons and spandrels. The whole is raised on round-section   and spandrels. The whole is raised on round-section legs joined by pairs of   to in the Classic of Lu Ban as a 'character one' table due to its similarity in
                                                                       legs and joined by a stretcher at the front and back and pairs of   stretchers at the sides.                  profile to the single horizontal stroke of the Chinese character for 'one'.
                    紐約重要私人珍藏黃花梨家具                                      stretchers at the sides.                                  31 in. (78.7 cm.) high, 51æ in. (131.4 cm.) wide, 19 in. (48.3 cm.) deep      Throughout the Ming period, recessed-leg tables are seen in woodblock
                                                                       18 in. (45.7 cm.) high, 16º in. (41.3 cm.) wide, 12¡ in. (31.4 cm.)                                           prints and paintings, often adorned with antiques and placed within a variety
                                                                       deep                                  (2)                 $70,000-90,000                                      of interiors, including the scholar's studio. A huanghuali recessed-leg table,
                                                                                                                                                                                     dated to the seventeenth century, is illustrated by R. D. Jacobsen and N.
                                                                       $20,000-30,000                                            PROVENANCE:                                         Grindley, Classical Chinese Furniture in the Minneapolis Institute of Arts,
                                                                                                                                 Christie's New York, 3 June 1993, lot 96.           Minneapolis, 1999, p. 123, no. 40. Another table of similar form, but longer in
                                                                       PROVENANCE:                                                                                                   length was sold at Christie’s New York, 23-24 September 2021, lot 998.
                                                                       Christie's New York, 2 December 1986, lot 400.            重要紐約私人珍藏
                                                                       E & J Frankel, New York, 1 February 1987.
                                                                                                                                 十七/十八世紀 黃花梨夾頭榫平頭案
                                                                       A pair of huanghuali rectangular stools of similar construction   來源:
                                                                       was sold at Christie’s New York, 18-19 March 2021, lot 823.   紐約佳士得, 1993年6月3日, 拍品編號96
                                                                       Another pair of huanghuali rectangular stools, with splayed
                                                                       legs and plain apron and spandrels, is illustrated by Wang and
                                                                       Evarts in Masterpieces From the Museum of Classical Chinese
                                                                       Furniture, Chicago and San Francisco, 1995, p. 32, pl. 15.

                                                                       清十八世紀 黃花梨方凳一對
                                                                       紐約佳士得, 1986年12月2日, 拍品編號400
                                                                       E & J Frankel, 紐約, 1987年2月1日

                                      790                              PROPERTY FROM AN IMPORTANT NEW YORK COLLECTION
                                                                       A PAIR OF HUANGHUALI LAMPHANGER SIDE
                                                                       17TH-18TH CENTURY
                                                                       Each S-shaped plain backsplat supports a curved crestrail
                                                                       above the mat seat set in a rectangular frame above a humpback
                                                                       stretcher fitted with vertical struts. The whole is raised on
                                                                       square-section legs joined by stepped stretchers and a footrest
                                                                       at the front.
                                                                       43Ω in. (110 cm.) high, 19¬ in. (49.8 cm.) wide, 16 in. (40.8 cm.)
                                                                       deep                                  (2)
                                                                       Property from an Ohio Collector; Sotheby's New York, 24 April
                                                                       1987, lot 466.
                                                                       Cincinnati, Cincinnati Art Museum, Cincinnati Collects Oriental
                                                                       Art, no. 178.
                                                                       The presence of humpback stretchers and struts below the
                                                                       seat on the present pair is an elegant variant from the more
                                                                       commonly seen plain apron and spandrels. A huanghuali side
                                                                       chair, constructed with humpback stretchers and vertical struts
                                                                       below these at with a C-form plain back splat, is illustrated
                                                                       by R. H. Ellsworth in Chinese Hardwood Furniture in Hawaiian
                                                                       Collections, Honolulu, 1982, p. 57, pl. 36,where it is dated to the
                                                                       17th century.

                                                                       十七十八世紀 黃花梨燈掛椅一對
                               791                                     來源:
                                                                       俄亥俄州私人珍藏; 紐約蘇富比, 1987年4月24日, 拍品編號466
                                                                       辛辛那提, 辛辛那提美術館, 「Cincinnati Collects Oriental Art」,

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