Page 107 - Christie's, NYC Important Chinese Works Of Art Sept. 22-23, 2022
P. 107

 A VERY RARE PAIR OF HUANGHUALI DRUM STOOLS  This exceptional pair of stools has a commanding elegance, distinguished by
 17TH CENTURY  strong curves and the crisp bands of bosses encircling the seat and foot. The
 Each mat seat is set in a circular top frame finely carved with rounded bosses   subtly rounded form of the stools seen in the outward-curving legs perfectly
 above the beaded, cusped apron. The whole is raised on outward-curving,   balances the rhythmic undulations of the aprons at the top and the bottom,
 beaded legs joined by beaded, cusped aprons and a circular footrail carved   and is further emphasized by the fine beading. According to Wang Shixiang
 with rounded bosses and supported on small tab feet.  in Wang and Evarts, Masterpieces From the Museum of Classical Chinese
 Furniture, Chicago and San Francisco, 1995, p. 40, Beijing craftsman referred
 18º in. (46.3 cm.) high, 16Ω in. (41.9 cm.) diam.  (2)  to this shape created by the gently rounded corners as dongguazhuang
 (winter-melon-shaped opening with concave sides). Bands of rounded
 $120,000-180,000  bosses add the only decorative element to this nuanced and simple form and
 are a reference to the bands of nail heads used on drums to fasten animal
 PROVENANCE:  skins to the frames. This decorative element is also seen in barrel-form stools
 The Museum of Classical Chinese Furniture, Christie's New York, 19   in cloisonné enamel and porcelain.
 September 1996, lot 42.
 It is unusual to find a pair of barrel-form stools with mat seats. Barrel-form
 S. Handler, "The Ubiquitous Stool," JCCFS, Summer 1994, p. 18, fig. 24.  stools are commonly seen with hardwood or marble-inset seats, such as a
 Wang, et. al., Masterpieces from the Museum of Classical Furniture, p.40, no. 19   related example in hongmu with a marble top illustrated by R. H. Ellsworth, in
 (one illustrated).  Chinese Furniture: Hardwood Examples of the Ming and Qing Dynasties, New
 York, 1971, p. 97, pl. 90. A variation of this specific design with ovoid body and
 bands of bosses, but constructed with rounded stretchers joined by a central
 重要紐約私人珍藏  band, is in the Palace Museum, Beijing, illustrated in The Complete Collection
 of Treasures of the Palace Museum - Furniture of the Ming and Qing Dynasties
 十七世紀 黃花梨四開光坐墩一對
 (I), Hong Kong, 2002, pl. 61. (Fig. 1). An almost identical example in walnut is
 來源:  illustrated in M. Flacks, Classical Chinese Furniture: A Very Personal Point of
 中國古典家具博物館, 紐約佳士得, 1996年9月19日, 拍品編號42  View, London, 2011, pp., 100-102.
 莎拉·韓蕙, 《The Ubiquitous Stool》, 《JCCFS》, 1994年夏, 頁18, 插圖編號24  此對黃花梨四開光坐墩造型矯健,弧度精準,鼓釘分明,端莊優雅,清新雋永。四
 王世襄等, 《Masterpieces from the Museum of Classical Furniture》, 頁40,   根立材用料厚重,外彎綫條流暢,氣韻生動,渾樸自然。上下牙子對稱,開光宛轉美
 編號19 (僅刊其一圖).  妙,兩周鼓釘紋規矩並置,有條不紊。按王世襄、柯惕思合撰《明式家具萃珍》,頁

 件形制與本品一致的紅木坐墩,面心為大理石,見安思遠:《Chinese Furniture:
 Hardwood Examples of the Ming and Qing Dynasties 》,紐約,1971年,

 Fig. 1 Huanghuali
 stool, early Qing
 dynasty. Palace
 Museum, Beijing.
 圖一  黃花梨坐墩,
 清早期, 北京故宮博

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