Page 110 - Christie's, NYC Important Chinese Works Of Art Sept. 22-23, 2022
P. 110

The simplicity and elegance of form of this cabinet is in the classical   Hardwood examples of this form drew inspiration from these lacquer
          Ming style. The combination of design, perfect proportions and precise   cabinets. A rare pair of huanghuali, huamu, nanmu, and boxwood cabinets,
          craftsmanship lend the cabinet a refined elegance and sense of balance   illustrated by M. Flacks in Classical Chinese Furniture: a very personal point of
          and stability. The very subtle splay in its design creates a graceful and   view, London, 2011, pp. 166-67, exhibits similar door composition—huanghuali
          pleasing profile, which is enhanced by the unusual and rare design of the   door frames enclose two panels of attractively grained huamu set on either
          paneled doors.                                      side of a narrow huanghuali panel carved with a stylized floral motif. Wang
                                                              Shixiang illustrates two examples in Connoisseurship of Chinese Furniture,
          Cabinets constructed with paneled doors are a design feature more   vol. II, Hong Kong, 1990, p. 153, D27 and D29. Of the two illustrated, the
          commonly found on carved lacquer and painted lacquer prototypes. A gilt-  composition of the doors of D29 compares most closely to the present
          decorated black lacquer cabinet with paneled doors, decorated with pairs of   cabinet in overall construction and design. Both cabinets have doors with
          writhing dragons on the larger panels and a dragon chasing a flaming pearl   alternating narrow panels and larger floating plain panels and added pairs
          on the narrow panel, dated to the Wanli period, is illustrated in The Complete   of stretchers on the narrow sides. Lacquer cabinets frequently have pairs
          Collection of Treasures of the Palace Museum – 53 – Furniture of the Ming   of stretchers on the narrow sides to provide needed strength and stability.
          and Qing Dynasties (1), Hong Kong, 2002, p. 208-9, pl. 177. Another similarly   However, in huanghuali and hardwood examples, this construction element is
          constructed red lacquer cabinet, carved with dragons chasing flaming   unnecessary and instead becomes a decorative element in the overall design.
          pearls on a yellow ground, currently in the Oesterreichisches Museum für
          angewandte Kunst, Vienna, is illustrated in M. Beurdeley, Chinese Furniture,   A related sloping-stile huanghuali cabinet, dated to the seventeenth century,
          New York, 1979, p. 102-103, pls. 139-141.           with openwork narrow panels set against a huamu-burl panel was sold at
                                                              Christie’s New York, 22 March 2019, lot 1667.

          此黃花梨圓角櫃清麗俊逸,以簡約造型拼湊精妙細節,虛和靜穆而意蘊無窮,洵屬                  此類漆櫃所衍生的硬木精品盡得其髓,譬如一對黃花梨楠木花木拼黃楊木面條櫃,
          明式家具典範之作。櫃碩大穩重,結構工整,比例勻稱,綫條俐落。其設計奇巧,佈               格局可與本櫃比對,其花木櫃門銜接黃花梨邊框及中部浮雕繩結紋的絛環板,見馬
          局罕見,整體素淨疏朗,櫃門上中下共六面絛環板,鏤空鳥獸及花卉圖案,雕工精                科斯.弗拉克斯:《中國古典家具私房觀點》,倫敦,2011年,頁166-167。王世襄
          湛,曲盡其妙。底設素牙條,空靈開闊,渾樸自然。                             著《明式家具珍賞》收錄兩例,英文版見下冊,香港,1990年,頁153,編號D27及
                                                              D29,後者櫃門及整體造型與本櫃相較接近,其 側另附兩根橫帳,三者之絛環板上
            飾絛環板之櫃架家具多見於漆製,諸如雕漆或繪漆類,例見清宮舊藏一件萬曆年製              下皆各安一根橫帳。側面橫帳原作鞏固漆櫃,用於硬木則純為裝飾元素。
          品全集.明清家具(上)》,香港,2002年,頁208-209,圖版177,以及維也納應           另可參考一件十七世紀黃花梨圓角櫃,花木櫃門中間飾以雲頭紋絛環板,紐約佳士
          用藝術博物館(Oesterreichisches Museum für angewandte Kunst) 所藏一  得,2019年3月22日,拍品編號1667。
          件結構相近的朱漆龍戲珠紋圓角櫃,通體浮雕,繁富縟麗,見Michel Beurdeley:
          《Chinese Furniture》,紐約,1979年,頁102-103,圖版編號139-141。


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