Page 148 - Christie's, NYC Important Chinese Works Of Art Sept. 22-23, 2022
P. 148

(another view)

          A FINELY CAST BRONZE RITUAL TRIPOD FOOD VESSEL, LIDING  of the type in late Anyang times", with a continuation into the early Western
          LATE SHANG DYNASTY, ANYANG, 12TH-11TH CENTURY BC    Zhou period. Other similar liding are in the Idemitsu Museum of Arts, Tokyo,
          The tri-lobed body is raised on three columnar legs and is cast in relief with   illustrated in The 15th Anniversary Catalogue, 1981, p. 235, no. 1009, and the
          three large taotie masks reserved on a leiwen ground, the patina is greyish-  Nathanael Wessén Collection, illustrated by Karlgren and Wirgin in Chinese
          green with areas of malachite encrustation on the interior.  Bronzes, Stockholm, Ostasiatiska Museet, 1969, pl. 2. Another similar vessel
                                                              was unearthed from a Western Zhou site at Zaoyuancun in Changwuxian,
          8º in. (21 cm.) high                                Shaanxi, and is illustrated in Shaanxi Chutu Shang Zhou Qingtongqi (Bronze
                                                              Vessels Unearthed from the Shaanxi Province), vol. 4, pl. 160. Further similar
          $80,000-120,000                                     liding include the two sold at Christie’s New York, Power and Prestige:
                                                              Important Early Chinese Ritual Bronzes from a Distinguished European
          PROVENANCE:                                         Collection, 22 March 2019, lots 1502 and 1507, and the example sold at
          S. H. Minkenhof (1879-1956) Collection, Amsterdam, Paris and New York.  Christie’s Paris, 9 June 2021, lot 15.
          Mr. and Mrs. Ivan B. Hart Collection, New York.
          Eskenazi, London.
          Me. Claude Boisgirard et Me. Axel de Heeckeren, Hôtel Drouot, Paris, 15   紐約顯赫私人珍藏
          March 1982, lot 46.                                 晚商 安陽時期 公元前十二至十一世紀 青銅饕餮紋鬲鼎
          EXHIBITED:                                          來源:
          London, Eskenazi, Ancient Chinese bronze vessels, gilt bronzes and sculptures;   S. H. Minkenhof (1879-1956) 珍藏, 阿姆斯特丹, 巴黎及紐約
          two private collections, one formerly part of the Minkenhof collection, 9 June-8   Ivan B. Hart 伉儷珍藏, 紐約
          July 1977.                                            埃斯肯納齊, 倫敦
                                                              Me. Claude Boisgirard 及 Me. Axel de Heeckeren, 德魯奧, 巴黎, 1982年3月
          Eskenazi, Ancient Chinese bronze vessels, gilt bronzes and sculptures; two   15日, 拍品編號46
          private collections, one formerly part of the Minkenhof collection, London, pp.   展覽:
          12-13, no. 2.                                       倫敦, 埃斯肯納齊,「Ancient Chinese bronze vessels, gilt bronzes and
          Coinnaissance des arts, “Le prix de l’art: 1981-1982”, p. 111, no. 3.  sculptures; two private collections, one formerly part of the Minkenhof
                                                              collection」, 9 June-8 July 1977年6月9日-7月8日
          Related liding of this type, featuring large, relief-cast taotie masks on
          each lobe of the body, include two very similar examples from the Sackler   出版:
          Collection illustrated by R. Bagley in Shang Ritual Bronzes in the Arthur M.   埃斯肯納齊, 《Ancient Chinese bronze vessels, gilt bronzes and sculptures;
          Sackler Collections, Washington, D. C., 1987, pp. 486-91, nos. 93 and 94. In   two private collections, one formerly part of the Minkenhof collection, 倫敦,
          his entry for one of the Sackler liding, no. 93, Bagley illustrates seven related   頁12-13, 編號2
          liding to support his assertion that there was a "wide geographic distribution   《Coinnaissance des arts》, “Le prix de l’art: 1981-1982”頁111, 編號3

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