Page 152 - Christie's, NYC Important Chinese Works Of Art Sept. 22-23, 2022
P. 152

                                                                                                                                 A BRONZE RITUAL FOOD VESSEL, GUI                    Compare the similar early Western Zhou gui sold at Christie’s Hong Kong,
                                                                                                                                 EARLY WESTERN ZHOU DYNASTY, 11TH-10TH CENTURY BC    7 July 2003, lot 616. Another gui with similar decoration, but with different
                                                                                                                                                                                     animal heads surmounting the handles, is illustrated by Y. Mino and J.
                                                                                                                                 The sides are cast with vertical ribbing between an upper band of taotie on   Robinson, Beauty and Tranquility: The Eli Lilly Collection of Chinese Art,
                                                                                                                                 leiwen ground, centered on each side by an animal mask, and a band of taotie   Indianapolis Museum of Art, 1983, pp. 112-13, pl. 31, where fig. B illustrates
                                                                                                                                 dragons above the foot. The C-shape handles emerge from horned animal   another example found in 1973 in Baofengxian, Henan province, and now in
                                                                                                                                 masks and terminate in pendent rectangular tabs cast with stylized scrolls.   the Luoyang Museum.
                                                                                                                                 The patina is greyish-green with areas of malachite encrustation to the
                                                                                                                                 9º in. (23.5 cm.) across handles                    新澤西私人珍藏
                                                                                                                                                                                     西周早期 公元前十一至十世紀 青銅饕餮紋簋
                                                                                                                                 $50,000-70,000                                      來源:
                                                                                                                                 PROVENANCE:                                         倫敦蘇富比, 18 December 1967年12月18日, 拍品編號103
                                                                                                                                 Sotheby's London, 18 December 1967, lot 103.        Michael Michaels珍藏高古中國藝術
                                                                                                                                 The Michael Michaels Collection of Early Chinese Art.    倫敦佳士得, 2017年11月7日, 拍品編號176
                                                                                                                                 Christie’s London, 7 November 2017, lot 176.

          A BRONZE RITUAL WINE VESSEL, ZUN                    紐約顯赫私人珍藏
          MID- TO LATE SHANG DYNASTY, 13TH-11TH CENTURY BC    商中至晚期 公元前十三至十一世紀 青銅三羊尊
          The body is cast with a double bow-string band at the base of the trumpet
          neck above three horned animal masks projecting from the edge of the   銘文或作: 工貯
          shoulder, each each above a narrow vertical flange that bisects a flat-cast
          taotie mask with raised boss eyes. The tall spreading foot is cast with a narrow   來源:
          band of pairs of birds with backward-turned heads confronting a narrow   Alan 及 Simone Hartman 珍藏, 紐約, 1986年
          flange. The interior is cast with a two-character inscription possibly reading
          gong zhu.
          7¡ in. (18.8 cm.) across, padauk stand

          Alan and Simone Hartman Collection, New York, 1986.
          Similar animal heads with coiled horns and jutting snouts can be seen set
          on the shoulder of a zun of larger size (30.2 cm.) dated to the 13 century
          illustrated by R. W. Bagley in Shang Ritual Bronzes in the Arhtur M. Sackler
          Collections, The Arthur M. Sackler Foundation, Washington, D.C., 1987, p.
          264, no. 42, where the author notes, p. 265, the zun displaced the older lei
          shape and was one of the more popular vessel types during the first half of
          the Anyang period. Also illustrated, p. 276, no. 44, is a zun (17.5 cm.) of similar
          proportions to the present example, but with different decoration and raised
          on a splayed foot.                                                       (inscription)

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