Page 159 - Christie's, NYC Important Chinese Works Of Art Sept. 22-23, 2022
P. 159

          A RARE SILVER PEACH-FORM CUP                        貴族私人珍藏
          SONG-YUAN DYNASTY, 12TH-13TH CENTURY                宋/元 十二/十三世紀 銀桃式盃
          The cup is shaped as a half-peach borne on a leafy branch that forms the
          handle. The sides are finely engraved with blossoming and fruiting branches   來源:
          that continue under the base, all against a fine ring-matted ground.   卡爾‧坎普 (1884-1967) 博士珍藏, 瑞典, 1953年以前入藏, 編號CK152
          3¬ in. (9.2 cm.) wide; weight 70.3 g                  倫敦蘇富比, Masterpieces of Chinese Precious Metalwork. Early Gold and
                                                              Silver, 2008年5月14日, 拍品編號115
          $20,000-30,000                                      展覽:
                                                              華盛頓哥倫比亞特區, 史密森尼學會, 「Chinese Gold and Silver in the Carl
          PROVENANCE:                                         Kempe Collection」, 1954-55年, 圖錄編號 152
          Dr. Johan Carl Kempe (1884-1967) Collection, Sweden, before 1953, no.     倫敦, Arts Council Gallery, 「The Arts of the Ming Dynasty」, 1958年, 圖錄
          CK152.                                              編號283
          Sotheby's London, Masterpieces of Chinese Precious Metalwork. Early Gold and   紐約, Asia House Gallery, 「Chinese Gold, Silver and Porcelain. The
          Silver, 14 May 2008, lot 115.                       Kempe Collection」, 1971年, 圖錄編號 68, 此巡展展出地點包括全美及其他9所
          Washington, D.C., Smithsonian Institution, Chinese Gold and Silver in the Carl   出版:
          Kempe Collection, 1954-55, cat. no. 152.              俞博, 《Chinese Gold and Silver in the Carl Kempe Collection》, 斯德哥爾摩,
          London, Arts Council Gallery, The Arts of the Ming Dynasty, 1958, cat. no. 283.  1953年, 圖錄編號 152
          New York, Asia House Gallery, Chinese Gold, Silver and Porcelain. The Kempe     俞博, ‘A Botanical Excursion in the Kempe Collection' 《Bulletin of the
          Collection, 1971, cat. no. 68, an exhibition touring the United States and shown   Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities》, 編號 37, 斯德哥爾摩, 1965年, 圖版16b
          also at nine other museums.                           《Chinese Gold and Silver in the Carl Kempe Collection》, The Museum of
                                                              Art and Far Eastern Antiquities in Ulricehamn, 烏爾里瑟港, 1999年, 圖版編
          LITERATURE:                                         號153
          Bo Gyllensvärd, Chinese Gold and Silver in the Carl Kempe Collection,
          Stockholm, 1953, cat. no. 152.
          Bo Gyllensvärd, ‘A Botanical Excursion in the Kempe Collection', Bulletin of the
          Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities, No. 37, Stockholm, 1965, pl. 16b.
          Chinese Gold and Silver in the Carl Kempe Collection, The Museum of Art and
          Far Eastern Antiquities in Ulricehamn, Ulricehamn, 1999, pl. 153.

                                                                                  (another view)
 835  The shape of this silver ewer can be seen in various ceramic wares as early
 A RARE SILVER EWER AND COVER  as the 10th century. A stoneware ewer of this shape (18.1 cm. high), described
 as being of elongated melon shape, also with a curved spout and strap
 SONG-YUAN DYNASTY (AD 960-1368)  handle, as well as a cover, but raised on a flat base, dated 10th-12th century,
 The bud or melon-shaped body is raised on a low foot ring and applied with a   in the Falk Collection, was sold at Christie's New York, 20 September 2001,
 fluted handle and a curved spout. The cover is chased with narrow, overlapping   lot 32. Another stoneware ewer (15 cm. high) of this shape, covered with
 petals that radiate from the base of the bud-shaped knob to the scalloped   a transparent, creamy glaze, is illustrated by Bo Gyllensvärd in Chinese
 edge of the everted rim.   Ceramics in the Carl Kempe Collection, Stockholm, 1964, p. 154, pl. 493. Like
 4æ in. (12.2 cm.) high; weight 192 g; fitted leather box  the present silver ewer, it is raised on a low foot and has a cover, but the body
 is lobed and the diagonally set spout is short.
 Dr. Johan Carl Kempe (1884-1967) Collection, Sweden, before 1953, no. CK137.  宋/元 銀瓜形帶蓋執壺
 Sotheby's London, Masterpieces of Chinese Precious Metalwork. Early Gold and   來源:
 Silver, 14 May 2008, lot 108.
 卡爾‧坎普 (1884-1967) 博士珍藏, 瑞典, 1953年以前入藏, 編號CK137
 EXHIBITED:    倫敦蘇富比, Masterpieces of Chinese Precious Metalwork, Early Gold and
 Washington, D.C., Smithsonian Institution, Chinese Gold and Silver in the Carl   Silver, 2008年5月14日, 拍品編號108
 Kempe Collection, 1954-55, cat. no. 137.  展覽:

 LITERATURE:  華盛頓哥倫比亞特區, 史密森尼學會, 「Chinese Gold and Silver in the Carl
 Bo Gyllensvärd, Chinese Gold and Silver in the Carl Kempe Collection,   Kempe Collection」, 1954-55年, 圖錄編號 137
 Stockholm, 1953, cat. no. 137.  出版:
 Chinese Gold and Silver in the Carl Kempe Collection, The Museum of Art and
 Far Eastern Antiquities in Ulricehamn, Ulricehamn, 1999.    俞博, 《Chinese Gold and Silver in the Carl Kempe Collection》, 斯德哥
 爾摩, 1953年, 圖錄編號 137《Chinese Gold and Silver in the Carl Kempe
 Collection, The Museum of Art and Far Eastern Antiquities in Ulricehamn》,
 烏爾里瑟港, 1999年

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