Page 182 - Christie's, NYC Important Chinese Works Of Art Sept. 22-23, 2022
P. 182

855                                                                                                                     857
          PROPERTY FROM THE DAVID HUGUS COLLECTION                                                                               PROPERTY FROM THE DAVID HUGUS COLLECTION
          855                                                                                                                    857
          A PAIR OF KESI RANK BADGES OF CRANES, BUZI          DAVID HUGUS 珍藏                                                     A PAIR OF FINELY EMBROIDERED BLACK SATIN-GROUND     D. Hugus and D. Yee, "Evolution of Yongzheng Rank Badges," Arts of Asia, vol.
          QIANLONG PERIOD (1736-1795)                         清乾隆 緙絲文一品白鶴方補一對                                                    RANK BADGES OF PEACOCKS, BUZI                       41, January-February 2011, p. 69, no. 6.
          Made for a first rank civil official, each badge is worked with a crane standing                                       YONGZHENG PERIOD (1723-1735)                        D. Hugus, Chinese Rank Badges: Symbols of Power, Wealth, and Intellect in the
          on one leg on jagged rocks emerging from waves tossed with auspicious   來源:                                            Made for the wife of a third rank civil official, each badge is worked entirely in   Ming and Qing Dynasties, Hong Kong, 2021, p. 79, no. 8.5.
          emblems, besides a tall rock formation set with a pagoda, with the border and   John Eric Riis                         metallic and couched threads and features a peacock standing on one leg on
          details picked out in gold thread.                  出版:                                                                top of a rock formation emerging from waves tossed with auspicious emblems,   DAVID HUGUS 珍藏
          10¡ x 10æ in. (26.2 x 27.2 cm.)                (2)  B. Jackson 及 D. Hugus, 《Ladder to the Clouds》, 柏克萊, 加州, 1999年, 頁   with the bird’s head and tail plumage set with peacock feather filaments.   清雍正 黑緞地繡文三品孔雀方補一對
                                                              240                                                                9Ω x 9¬ in. (24 x 24.4 cm.)                     (2)
          $12,000-18,000                                      D. Hugus, 《Chinese Rank Badges: Symbols of Power, Wealth, and                                                          來源:
                                                              Intellect in the Ming and Qing Dynasties》, 香港, 2021年, 頁 86, 編號 9.5  $8,000-12,000                                      Vince Comer, 西雅圖
          PROVENANCE:                                                                                                                                                                出版:
          John Eric Riis.                                                                                                        PROVENANCE:
                                                              PROPERTY FROM THE DAVID HUGUS COLLECTION                           Vince Comer, Seattle.                               B. Jackson 及 D. Hugus, 《Ladder to the Clouds》, 柏克萊, 加州, 1999年,
          LITERATURE:                                                                                                                                                                頁 235D. Hugus 及 D. Yee, "Evolution of Yongzheng Rank Badges, Arts
          B. Jackson and D. Hugus, Ladder to the Clouds, Berkeley, California, 1999, p. 240.  856                                LITERATURE:                                         of Asia, 卷 41, January-February 2011年1-2月, 頁 69, 編號 6D. Hugus,
          D. Hugus, Chinese Rank Badges: Symbols of Power, Wealth, and Intellect in the   A BROCADE RANK BADGE OF A SILVER PHEASANT, BUZI  B. Jackson and D. Hugus, Ladder to the Clouds, Berkeley, California, 1999, p. 235.  《Chinese Rank Badges: Symbols of Power, Wealth, and Intellect in the
          Ming and Qing Dynasties, Hong Kong, 2021, p. 86, no. 9.5.   YONGZHENG PERIOD (1723-1735)                                                                                   Ming and Qing Dynasties》, 香港, 2021年, 頁 79, 編號 8.5
                                                              Made for a fifth rank civil official, the badge is worked with a silver pheasant
                                                              standing on top of a rock formation emerging from waves tossed with
                                                              auspicious emblems, including a vessel emitting a cloud in the shape of a shou   PROPERTY FROM THE DAVID HUGUS COLLECTION
                                                              character, all within a vaporous cloud border set in gold thread.  858
                                                              9¿ x 9Ω in. (23 x 24 cm.)                                          AN EMBROIDERED MIDNIGHT-BLUE SATIN-GROUND RANK
                                                                                                                                 BADGE OF A PEACOCK, BUZI
                                                              $6,000-8,000                                                       QIANLONG PERIOD (1736-1795)
                                                              LITERATURE:                                                        Made for a third rank civil official, the badge is worked with a peacock perched
                                                              B. Jackson and D. Hugus, Ladder to the Clouds, Berkeley, California, 1999, p. 235.  with one leg standing amidst pine and wisteria, surrounded by scrolling clouds,
                                                              D. Hugus and D. Yee, "Evolution of Yongzheng Rank Badges," Arts of Asia, vol.   rock formations, and five bats (wufu), all within a key-fret border.
                                                              41, January-February 2011, p. 72, no. 13.                          10æ x 11¿ in. (27.1 x 28.3 cm.)
                                                              D. Hugus, Chinese Rank Badges: Symbols of Power, Wealth, and Intellect in the
                                                              Ming and Qing Dynasties, Hong Kong, 2021, p. 79, no. 8.7.          $4,000-6,000

                                                              DAVID HUGUS 珍藏                                                     LITERATURE:
                                                                                                                                 D. Hugus, Chinese Rank Badges: Symbols of Power, Wealth, and Intellect in the
                                                              清雍正 織錦文五品白鷳方補                                                      Ming and Qing Dynasties, Hong Kong, 2021, p. 90, no. 9.18.
                                                              B. Jackson 及 D. Hugus, 《Ladder to the Clouds》, 柏克萊, 加州, 1999年, 頁   DAVID HUGUS 珍藏
                                                              235                                                                清乾隆 石青緞地繡文三品孔雀方補
                                                                D. Hugus 及 D. Yee, "Evolution of Yongzheng Rank Badges," Arts of Asia,
                                                              卷 41, January-February 2011年1-2月, 頁 72, 編號 13D. Hugus, 《Chinese    出版:
                                                              Rank Badges: Symbols of Power, Wealth, and Intellect in the Ming and   D. Hugus, 《Chinese Rank Badges: Symbols of Power, Wealth, and
                                                              Qing Dynasties》, 香港, 2021年, 頁 79, 編號 8.7                           Intellect in the Ming and Qing Dynasties》, 香港, 2021年, 頁 90, 編號 9.18
                                 856                                                                                                                                                                        858

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