Page 186 - Christie's, NYC Important Chinese Works Of Art Sept. 22-23, 2022
P. 186

Superb Belt Fittings                                                                     PROPERTY FROM THE ROBERT J. AND MARILYN HAMBURGER COLLECTION
                              from The Robert J. and Marilyn Hamburger Collection                                                A RARE PAIR OF EUROPEAN ENAMEL-INSET GILT-BRONZE    The present set of enameled belt fittings reflects the Qing emperors' avid
                                                                                                                                                                                     fascination with foreign curiosities. It is known, however, that enameled
                                                                                                                                 BELT SLIDES
                                                                                                                                 18TH CENTURY                                        clocks, watches, plaques with devotional scenes and the like were brought
                                                                                                                                 Each belt slide is comprised of two interlocked parts, with the upper oval   to Beijing by the Jesuits, with the aim of attracting the curiosity of the Court,
                                                                                                                                                                                     as early as1687, when Jean de Fontaney (1673-1710), a French Jesuit in China,
                                            韓博閣伉儷珍藏重要中國帶飾                                                                        section cast with a key-fret border encircling an enameled scene of an   wrote a letter to his superiors requesting enameled objects as gifts. These
                                                                                                                                 European lady and a gentleman in a landscape, and the reverse with two
                                                                                                                                 rectangular vertical loops. The lower section with oval aperture is cast with a   gifts were usually presented to the emperor on the arrival of new missionaries
                                                                                                                                                                                     at court and on the occasion of the emperor's birthday or anniversary. A set of
                                                     (Lots 863–869)                                                              monster mask and swirling clouds.                   six enameled gold European-subject belt fittings, Geneva, circa 1790,sold at
                                                                                                                                 3 in. (7.6 cm.) high                           (2)  Christie’s New York, 15 September 2011, lot 1216, was accompanied by a letter
                                                                                                                                                                                     stating that the fittings were reputedly given to Qianlong to commemorate his
                                                                                                                                 $7,000-9,000                                        60 anniversary. Another example of European enameling depicting European
                                                                                                                                                                                     figures, but on a pocket watch, is in the Palace Museum, Taipei, image no.
                                                                                                                                 EXHIBITED:                                          K1D003315N000000000PAC.
                                                                                                                                 Omaha, Nebraska, Joslyn Art Museum, Elegance of the Qing Court: Reflections
                                                                                                                                 of a Dynasty Through Its Art, 1 March-6 June 2008.  While the enameling and style of decoration may be European, the fittings
                                                                                                                                                                                     were made to suit the Chinese market, and to function as belt plaques used
                                                                                                                                   M. G. Hamburger and L. Salter, “Function, Fashion and Status: Qing Dynasty   to decorate a chao dai (court belt). See, for example, the painting on silk of
                                                                                                                                 Belt Ornaments,” Orientations, May 2006, p. 64, fig. 7b.   an emperor's chaodai, illustrated by G. Dickinson and L. Wrigglesworth in
                                                                                                                                 Fang Jing Pei et al., Elegance of the Qing Court: Reflections of a Dynasty   Imperial Wardrobe, London, 1990, pl.138, p. 156, where various items such as
                                                                                                                                 Through Its Art, 2008, p. 65, no. 203.              perfume sachets, purses, and knives can be seen hanging from the oval loop
                                                                                                                                                                                     of the belt plaques. See, also, beltplaques with the same construction in the
                                                                                                                                 ROBERT J. 及 MARILYN HAMBURGER 珍藏                    Qing Court Collection illustrated in The Complete Collection of Treasures of
                                                                                                                                                                                     the Palace Museum - 51 - Costumes and Accesories of the Qing Court, Hong
                                                                                                                                 清十八世紀 鎏金銅嵌畫琺瑯歐洲人物帶環一對                               Kong, 2005, pp. 263-4, pl. 167.
                                                                                                                                 奧馬哈, 內布拉斯加, Joslyn 美術館, 「Elegance of the Qing Court:
                                                                                                                                 Reflections of a Dynasty Through Its Art」, 2008年3月1日-6月6日
                                                                                                                                   M. G. Hamburger及L. Salter, 〈Function, Fashion and Status: Qing Dynasty
                                                                                                                                 Belt Ornaments〉, 《Orientations》, 2006年5月, 頁64, 圖7b
                                                                                                                                 Fang Jing Pei 等, 《Elegance of the Qing Court: Reflections of a Dynasty
                                                                                                                                 Through Its Art》, 2008年, 頁 65, 編號 203
                                 863                                                 864

          863                                                 864
          18TH CENTURY                                        BUCKLE
          The belt hook is cast in the form of a gnarled branch of ruyi inset with   QING DYNASTY (1644-1911)
          malachite, quartz, jadeite, and other hardstones. The reverse is cast with a   Each half of the buckle is inset with a pale grey jade plaque surrounded by a
          ruyi-form button.                                   floral scroll border. One half terminates in a dragon-head hook and the other
          3¡ in. (8.6 cm.) long                               has a mushroom-shaped aperture. Both are cast on the reverse with two
                                                              vertical loops and reticulated floral scroll.
          $7,000-9,000                                        5√ in. (15 cm.) long
          EXHIBITED:                                          $4,000-6,000
          Omaha, Nebraska, Joslyn Art Museum, Elegance of the Qing Court: Reflections
          of a Dynasty Through Its Art, 1 March-6 June 2008.  EXHIBITED:
                                                              Omaha, Nebraska, Joslyn Art Museum, Elegance of the Qing Court: Reflections
          LITERATURE:                                         of a Dynasty Through Its Art, 1 March-6 June 2008.
          Fang Jing Pei et al., Elegance of the Qing Court: Reflections of a Dynasty
          Through Its Art, 2008, p. 66, no. 218.              LITERATURE:
                                                              Fang Jing Pei et al., Elegance of the Qing Court: Reflections of a Dynasty
          ROBERT J. 及 MARILYN HAMBURGER 珍藏                    Through Its Art, 2008, p. 66, no. 219.

          清十八世紀 鎏金銅嵌寶如意式帶鉤
                                                              ROBERT J. 及 MARILYN HAMBURGER 珍藏
                                                              清 鎏金銅嵌玉帶扣一組
          奧馬哈, 內布拉斯加, Joslyn 美術館, 「Elegance of the Qing Court:
          Reflections of a Dynasty Through Its Art」, 2008年3月1日-6月6日  展覽:
          出版:                                                 奧馬哈, 內布拉斯加, Joslyn 美術館, 「Elegance of the Qing Court: Reflections
                                                              of a Dynasty Through Its Art」, 2008年3月1日-6月6日
          Fang Jing Pei 等, 《Elegance of the Qng Court: Reflections of a Dynasty
          Through Its Art》, 2008年, 頁 66, 編號 218               出版:
                                                              Fang Jing Pei 等, 《Elegance of the Qing Court: Reflections of a Dynasty
                                                              Through Its Art》, 2008年, 頁 66, 編號 219

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