Page 188 - Christie's, NYC Important Chinese Works Of Art Sept. 22-23, 2022
P. 188

                                                                               HAMBURGER COLLECTION                              HAMBURGER COLLECTION
                                                                               ~866                                              868
                                                                               A JADE AND CORAL-INSET GILT-BRONZE                A YELLOW SILK BELT WITH HARDSTONE-
                                                                               BELT SLIDE FOR A FIRST RANK CIVIL OFFICIAL        INSET, PEARL AND GILT-METAL REPOUSSE
                                                                               18TH CENTURY                                      BELT BUCKLE AND BELT SLIDES
                                                                               The rectangular slide with jade and coral insets is cast   QING DYNASTY (1644-1911)
                                                                               with a dragon-head attachment that connects to a   The yellow silk belt with red brocade backing is fitted
                                                                               hinged loop cast in the form of two confronting beasts.  with a rectangular gilt-bronze buckle with two loops
                                                                               2Ω in. (6.2 cm.) high                             on the back and inset on the front with seed pearls
                                                                                                                                 and hardstones on a repoussé floral ground. The
                                                                                                                                 two quadrilobed belt slides are similarly cast and
                                                                                                                                 decorated, and the two additional fittings are each
                                                                               EXHIBITED:                                        inset with six circular hardstones on a key-fret ground.
                                                                               Boston, Museum of Fine Arts, Draped in Dragons, 3   Buckle: 4 in. (10.2 cm.) long
                                                                               December 2003-2 May 2004.
                                                                               Omaha, Nebraska, Joslyn Art Museum, Elegance of   $8,000-10,000
                                                                               the Qing Court: Reflections of a Dynasty Through Its
                                                                               Art, 1 March-6 June 2008.                         Compiled during the Qianlong period, the illustrated
                                                                                                                                 encyclopedia album entitled Huangchao liqi tushi
                                                                                 M. G. Hamburger and L. Salter, “Function, Fashion   (Illustrated precedents for the ritual paraphernalia of
                                                                               and Status: Qing Dynasty Belt Ornaments,”         the [Qing] imperial court)classified all clothing and
                                                                               Orientations, May 2006, p. 62, fig. 2.            accessories used by the court, from the emperor to
                                                                               Fang Jing Pei et al., Elegance of the Qing Court:   the lowest functionary. Clothing was generally divided
                                                                               Reflections of a Dynasty Through Its Art, 2008, p. 64,   into court clothes, auspicious clothes, and regular
                                                                               no. 197.                                          clothes, depending on the occasion. A yellow silk
                                                                                                                                 court belt of the same yellow color as the present belt,
                                                                                                                                 but with gold-inlaid jade pendants, and dated to the
                                                                               ROBERT J. 及 MARILYN HAMBURGER 珍藏                  Jiaqing reign (1796-1820), is in the collection of the
                                                                                                                                 Palace Museum, Taipei. The catalogue notes that the
                                                                               清十八世紀 鎏金銅嵌玉及珊瑚文一品帶環
                                                                                                                                 bright yellow color of this belt is in line with imperial
                                                                               展覽:                                               regulations for auspicious clothing, and this belt
                                                                               波士頓, 波士頓美術館, 「Draped in Dragons」, 2003            would have likely been worn by the Jiaqing Emperor
                                                                               年12月3日-2004年5月2日                                  for an auspicious occasion. (Fig. 1) For other examples
                                                                               奧馬哈, 内布拉斯加, Joslyn 美術館, 「Elegance of              of yellow silk formal belts dated to the early Qing
                                                                               the Qing Court: Reflections of a Dynasty Through   dynasty with associated belt buckles and belt slides
                                                                               Its Art」, 2008年3月1日-6月6日                          see The Complete Collection of Treasures of the Palace
                                                                                                                                 Museum - 51 - Costumes and Accessories of the Qing
                                                                                                                                 Court, Hong Kong, 2005, pp. 263-5, pls. 166-7.
                                                                                 M. G. Hamburger及L. Salter, 〈Function, Fashion
                                                                               and Status: Qing Dynasty Belt Ornaments〉,
                                                                               《Orientations》, 2006年5月, 頁62, 圖2                  ROBERT J. 及 MARILYN HAMBURGER 珍藏
                                                                               Fang Jing Pei 等, 《Elegance of the Qing Court:     晚清 明黃絲帶配鎏金金屬嵌寶帶扣及帶環一組
                                                                               Reflections of a Dynasty Through Its Art》, 2008
                                          866                                  年, 頁 64, 編號 197

                                                                               PROPERTY FROM THE ROBERT J. AND MARILYN
                                                                               HAMBURGER COLLECTION
                                                                               A JADE-INSET GILT-BRONZE TWO-PART
                                                                               BELT BUCKLE
                                                                               18TH CENTURY
                                                                               Each half of the buckle is inset with a greenish-
                                                                               white jade plaque carved in low relief with
                                                                               double-gourd tendrils and studded in the center
                                                                               with a small coral bead. One half terminates in a
                                                                               ruyi-form hook centered by a large coral bead and
                                                                               the other has an oval aperture.
                                                                               5æ in. (14.6 cm.) long                            Fig. 1 Ceremonial court belt with gold-inlaid jade pendants,
                                                                                                                                 Qing dynasty, Jiaqing reign (1796-1820). National Palace
                                                                               $4,000-6,000                                      Museum, Taipei, 故雜006756N000000000.
                                                                                                                                 圖一  金鑲黃碧璽吉服帶, 清嘉慶, 臺北國立故宮博物院藏, 館藏編號
                                                                               ROBERT J. 及 MARILYN HAMBURGER 珍藏
                                                                               清十八世紀 鎏金銅嵌玉帶扣一組

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