Page 202 - Christie's, NYC Important Chinese Works Of Art Sept. 22-23, 2022
P. 202

                        Chinese Ceramics from the                                                                                ⱷ901
                                                                                                                                 A RARE LARGE CIZHOU SGRAFIATTO
                                                                                                                                 VASE, MEIPING
                                     Ehime Bunkakan                                                                              SONG-JIN DYNASTY (AD 960-1234)
                                                                                                                                 The tapering vase is carved through the creamy-
                                                                                                                                 white slip to the pale-grey ground with a broad
                                                                                                                                 band of sweeping peony scroll between geometric
                                                                                                                                 bands and petal borders, all under a clear glaze.
                                        日本愛媛文華館珍藏中國瓷器                                                                            16æ in. (42.5 cm.) high

                                                    (Lots 901–910)                                                               $60,000-80,000
                                                                                                                                 Ehime Bunkakan, Japan.
                                                                                                                                 A comparable Cizhou meiping dated to the 11 -
                    Located beside the moat of Imabari castle where the   of war. His foresight was proven right, as after the war the   12 century of slightly larger size (47 cm. high)
                    Hisamatsu family, a branch of the Tokugawa shogunate, had   demands of timber reached a height as cities were rebuilt. His   carved through a cream-colored glaze to a pale
                    resided since 1635 in present day Ehime prefecture, Ehime   contributions to his hometown of Imabari were particularly   grey ground was gifted by Mrs. Samuel T. Peters
                    Bunkakan was established in 1955 by Ninomiya Kaneichi   generous, where he was subsequently elected a city council   in 1926 to The Metropolitan Museum (acc. no.
                    (1898 – 1996).                            member.                                                            26.292.56). The Metropolitan Museum vase
                                                                                                                                 is carved with a broad central scroll band with
                    Kaneichi was a successful businessman who made his   After the war, Kaneichi grew concerned that traditional values   leaves similarly rendered to those on the present
                    fortune from forestry. When he was only eighteen years old,   and cultural relics had lost their importance in society and   vase but lacking the large peony blossoms.
                    he had an important role in his father’s modest workshop of   began to collect Chinese and Japanese antiques. Shortly after,
                    wood products. Kaneichi eventually took over the business   he joined the Japanese Ceramics Society, and his knowledge   日本愛媛文華館珍藏
                    and through skillful investments he introduced new machine   became enriched by the top academics and long-standing
                    tools and started a modern sawmilling factory. Using a keen   antique dealers in the society, such as Mayuyama & Co.,   宋/金 白剔花纏枝蓮紋梅瓶
                    business acumen, Kaneichi’s strenuously bought forest   leading to enriching his collection with top quality works. His   來源:
                    and mountains across Shikoku Island in the 1930s, sensing   love of his hometown and his passion for art caused him to
                    the dramatic change that would happen in society in the   open the Ehime Museum of Art, created initially to contribute   愛媛文華館, 日本
                    coming years when Japan would enter into a long period   to the cultural landscape of the local community.

                    Ninomiya Kaneichi (1898-1996)             Ehime Bunkakan, Ehime prefecture, Japan.
                    二宮兼一 (1898-1996)                          愛媛文華館, 愛媛縣, 日本

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