Page 210 - Christie's, NYC Important Chinese Works Of Art Sept. 22-23, 2022
P. 210

                                                                               ⱷ908                                              ⱷ910
                                                                               A COPPER-RED-GLAZED DISH                          AN UNDERGLAZE-BLUE-DECORATED       A pair of dishes of the same design from the T. Y.
                                                                               QIANLONG SIX-CHARACTER SEAL MARK IN               YELLOW-ENAMELED `NINE PEACHES'     Chao Collection was included in the exhibition,
                                                                               UNDERGLAZE BLUE AND OF THE PERIOD                 DISH                               Ch'ing Porcelain from the Wah Kwong Collection,
                                                                               (1736-1795)                                       QIANLONG SIX-CHARACTER SEAL MARK IN   Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1973, no.
                                                                               Potted with shallow rounded sides, the interior and   UNDERGLAZE BLUE AND OF THE PERIOD   45,and later sold at Sotheby's, Hong Kong,
                                                                               exterior are covered with a glaze of soft crushed-  (1736-1795)                      19 March 1987, lot 316. Additional examples
                                                                               strawberry tone below the white rim.              The dish is delicately potted with shallow, rounded   include one in the National Palace Museum
                                                                                                                                                                    Collection, illustrated in Blue and White Ware of
                                                                               8º in. (20.9 cm.) diam., Japanese wood box        sides and is finely decorated in the center with   the Ch'ing Dynasty, Book II, Hong Kong, 1968,
                                                                                                                                 peaches borne on leafy branches, and on the   pl. 29; one in the Percival David Foundation,
                                                                               $7,000-9,000                                      exterior with convolvulus.         illustrated in Oriental Ceramics, The World's
                                                                                                                                 10Ω in. (26.5 cm.) diam., Japanese wood box  Great Collections, vol. 6, Tokyo, 1982, no. 247;
                                                                               PROVENANCE:                                                                          another from the collection of Harry Hellebronth
                                                                               Ehime Bunkakan, Japan, prior to 1955.             $60,000-80,000                     illustrated by U. Wiesner in the catalogue for
                                                                                                                                                                    the exhibition, Chinesische Keramik, Museum
                                                                               日本愛媛文華館珍藏                                         PROVENANCE:                        für Ostasiatische Kunst, Köln, 1988, pp. 142-3,
                                                                                                                                 Ehime Bunkakan, Japan, prior to 1955.  no.100; and the example sold at Sotheby’s New
                                                                               清乾隆 霽紅釉盤 六字篆書款                                                                       York, 22 September 2021, lot 72. A blue and white
                                                                               來源:                                               日本愛媛文華館珍藏                          example, without the yellow enamel, is illustrated   (reverse)
                                                                               愛媛文華館, 日本, 1955年以前入藏                                                                 by J. Ayers, Chinese Ceramics, The Koger
                                                                                                                                 清乾隆 黃地青花九桃紋盤 六字篆書款                 Collection, London, 1985, no. 96. See, also, the
                                                                                                                                 來源:                                pair sold at Christie’s Hong Kong, The Imperial
                                                                                                                                                                    Sale, 30 May 2006, lot 1245.
                                                                                                                                 愛媛文華館, 日本, 1955年以前入藏

                                                                                         908 (mark)


                                                                               PROPERTY FROM THE EHIME BUNKAKAN, JAPAN
                                                                               A DEHUA TRIPOD CENSER
                                                                               17TH-18TH CENTURY
                                                                               The compressed globular body, which is set with
                                                                               a pair of dragon handles, is raised on three short
                                                                               paw-form feet issuing from monster masks. The
                                                                               shoulder is applied with stylized bat motifs. A
                                                                               two-character seal, possibly reading hu sheng, is
                                                                               impressed on the base.
                                                                               6æ in. (17 cm.) across handles, gilt metal cover
                                                                               Ehime Bunkakan, Japan.

                                                                               十七/十八世紀 德化窯白釉弦紋龍耳獸足爐
                                                                               愛媛文華館, 日本


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