Page 239 - Christie's, NYC Important Chinese Works Of Art Sept. 22-23, 2022
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 Works of Art, New York, 1995, pp. 644-654 (1931.160), showing a continuous   below a scene of Shoulao on the neck, similar to that on the neck of the
 scene of figures on horseback depicting the battle scene of The Tale of   current vase, see, R. L. d'Argencé, Chinese Ceramics in the Avery Brundage
 Kunyang City, beneath landscape panels on the neck. Another large famille   Collection, San Francisco, 1967, p. 146, pl. 68.
 verte rouleau from the Jie Rui Tang Collection, previously in the Cleveland
 Museum of Art, features a continuous scene from the novel Investiture of the   Other large famille verte vases of comparable size to the current example,
 Gods, with decorative bands around the neck, and was sold at Christie’s New   but decorated with panels of beasts, animals and flowers, include two from
 York, 30 March 2005, lot 396, and subsequently at Sotheby’s New York, 20   The Metropolitan Museum of Art Collection, sold at Christie’s New York,
 March 2018, lot 322, as well as illustrated in J. Stamen and C. Volk, A Culture   15 September 2016, lots 870 and 871, as well as one from the collection of
 Revealed, Kangxi-Era Porcelain from the Jie Rui Tang Collection, Boston, 2017,   Augustus the Strong (1670-1733), Dresden, illustrated by W. Bondy in K'ang-

 p. 167, no. 60. For a large rouleau vase decorated with a gathering of warriors   hsi, Munchen, 1923, p. 136, and one from an English collection, ibid., p.140.

 綜觀傳世的康熙五彩棒槌瓶,造型如斯敦碩且以敘事場景為飾者寥寥無幾。本拍品  大型五彩棒槌瓶出自潔蕊堂珍藏,它原為克利夫蘭美術館藏品,器身通景繪《封
 軒昂挺拔,畫風細膩逼真、栩栩如生,兼之品相佳妙,堪稱彌足珍貴。十七世紀中葉  神演義》情節,瓶頸綴以紋飾帶,此物於2005年3月30日經紐約佳士得拍出(拍
 明滅清立,景德鎮官窯藝人得以擺脫宮廷影響,以中國歷史或通俗小說中的高人逸  品編號396),其後於2018年3月20日在紐約蘇富比再度易手(拍品編號322),圖
 士、英雄豪傑事跡為題材的作品大行其道。為迎合文人士大夫階層的口味,製瓷業  見J. Stamen與C.Volk合著的《A Culture Revealed, Kangxi-Era Porcelain
 亦湧現了許多氣象一新、不落窠臼的青花和五彩瓷畫風。  from the JieRui Tang Collection》頁167編號60(波士頓:2017)。此外,尚
 顯然,此類新穎的畫風大獲好評,因為康熙年間仍風行不墜,連五彩瓷亦仿而效之。  集,圖見R.L.d'Argencé著作《Chinese Ceramics in the Avery Brundage
 行獵 (如本拍品所示)、征戰、才子佳人等俱是人們喜聞樂見的題材,並襯之以各式  Collection》頁146圖版68(三藩巿:1967)。
 使氣勢磅礡的畫面益發跌宕恣肆。  另有數例與本拍品大小相若的五彩大瓶,但開光內飾珍禽瑞獸、奇花異草。其中二
 各大私人及博物館珍藏中,有一小批器型規模與本拍品相若且通景繪敘事情  870、871);另一例是德累斯頓的「強人」奧克斯特二世(公元1670至1733年) 珍
 節的近似五彩瓶,辛辛那提的塔夫特博物館藏一例,圖見該館1995年出版的  藏,圖見W.Bondy著作《K'ang-hsi》(慕尼黑:1923) 頁, 136,另一件近似例來自
 《ChineseCeramics and Works of Art, New York》頁644-654 (館藏號  英國珍藏(前述著作頁140)。

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