Page 24 - Christie's, NYC Important Chinese Works Of Art Sept. 22-23, 2022
P. 24

CHINESE JADES FROM THE COLLECTION OF T. EUGENE WORRELL  In “Tradition and Innovation: Ancient Chinese Jades in the Gerald Godfrey
          ~715                                                Collection,” Orientations, November 1986, p. 41, Wu Hung comments on the
                                                              composite style of this lively animal, which has a dragon’s body, a lion’s tail
          A SUPERB YELLOW JADE FIGURE OF A RECUMBENT MYTHICAL   and a bear-like head, with “an almost child-like expression.”
          MING DYNASTY (1368-1644)                            Another yellow jade mythical beast with similar knobbed spine and softly
                                                              rounded features is illustrated by James Watt in Chinese Jades from Han to
          The boldly carved beast is shown with the head raised and turned slightly to   Ch'ing , no. 49. Watt refers to the "soft texture and warm tone of the yellow
          the left. The chin, knobby back and flicked tail are finely incised to indicate fur,   jade, together with the plastic qualities of the carving, making this piece
          while each shoulder and haunch are carved with a foliate scroll in low relief.   especially attractive to the lover of jade.” Watt also notes that yellow jades
          The softly polished stone is of an even yellow tone with russet-brown striations   were popular in the Yuan and Ming dynasties, primarily in the 14th-15th
          and some pale inclusions.                           centuries, and were the preference of Ming dynasty literati. Examples of this
          4¿ in. (10.8 cm.) long, hardwood stand              can be found in the writings of Ming dynasty literati Gao Lian and Xie Zhaozhe.
          $100,000-150,000                                    T. EUGENE WORRELL珍藏中國玉器
          PROVENANCE:                                         明 黃玉瑞獸
            The Gerald Godfrey Collection.
          The Gerald Godfrey Private Collection of Fine Chinese Jades; Christie's Hong   來源:
          Kong, 30 October 1995, lot 866.                       Gerald Godfrey珍藏
                                                              The Gerald Godfrey Private Collection of Fine Chinese Jades, 香港佳士得,
          EXHIBITED:                                          1995年10月30日, 拍品編號866
          Pasadena, Pacific Asia Museum, Chinese Jade: The Image from Within, 1986.
          San Antonio, San Antonio Museum of Art, 1986.       展覽:
          Dayton, The Dayton Art Institute, January 1989.     帕莎甸娜, 亞太博物館, 「Chinese Jade: The Image from Within」, 1986年
          Palm Springs, Palm Springs Desert Museum, Magic, Art & Order: Jade in
          Chinese Culture, 8 February – 29 April 1990.        聖安東尼奧, 聖安東尼奧藝術博物館, 1986年
          Charlottesville, Worrell Family Offices Gallery, 1995-2022.  代頓, 代頓美術館, 1989年1月
                                                              棕櫚泉, 棕櫚泉沙漠博物館, 「Magic, Art & Order: Jade in Chinese Culture」,
          P. Cardeiro, “Chinese Jade: The Image from Within,” Arts of Asia, November-  1990年2月8日-4月29日
          December 1985, pp. 151-154, fig. 3.                   夏洛茨維爾, Worrell家族藝廊, 1995-2022年
          Pacific Asia Museum, Chinese Jade: The Image from Within, Pasadena, 1986,   出版:
          p. 44, no. 64.
          Wu Hung, “Tradition and Innovation: Ancient Chinese Jades in the Gerald   P. Cardeiro, 〈Chinese Jade: The Image from Within〉,《亞洲藝術》, 1985年
          Godfrey Collection,” Orientations, November 1986, p. 41, fig. 10.  11-12月, 頁151-154, 圖3
            C. W. Kelley, Stones of Virtue: Chinese Jades from the Gerald Godfrey   亞太博物館, 《Chinese Jade: The Image from Within》, 帕莎甸娜, 1986年, 頁
          Collection, Dayton, 1989, p. 47, no. 232.           44, 編號64
          Palm Springs Desert Museum, Magic, Art & Order: Jade in Chinese Culture,   巫鴻, 〈Tradition and Innovation: Ancient Chinese Jades in the Gerald
          Palm Springs, 1990, p. 97, no. 96.                  Godfrey Collection〉, 《Orientations》, 1986年11月, 頁41, 圖10
                                                                C. W. Kelley, 《Stones of Virtue: Chinese Jades from the Gerald Godfrey
                                                              Collection》, 代頓, 1989年, 頁47, 編號232
                                                              棕櫚泉沙漠博物館, 《Magic, Art & Order: Jade in Chinese Culture》, 棕櫚泉,
                                                              1990年, 頁97, 圖96

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